Staff Retreat

Dear friend, I’m currently (on July 15) in Nebraska at our staff retreat that takes place every three years. I’ll have more to share in my next letter, but so far it’s been a special time of fellowship, worship and learning from each other. I want to ask you to keep me in prayer during the month of August. I’ll be arriving back in Romania on July 29th after which we have one short week to prepare for summer camp. Our camp this year will be held at an amazing facility with lots of activities for the children including a basketball court, volleyball court, soccer field, trampoline and lot of mountain roads for hiking. Please be in prayer for us during the week of August 6-13. There should be about thirty children in all. I’ll be a crew leader for a team of about six children. Pray that this will be a special time for them to grow spiritually, relationally and to just have the most fun they’ve ever had. Pray also for unity among the staff and stamina during the week. Following our children’s camp, I plan to remain on site and spend three days on retreat with the worship team from my local church who will arrive August 14-16. On August 16, a servant team of five will be arriving for their four months of service. I’m not the coordinator anymore, but am excited to see how I can be part of helping this team integrate into our ministry activities and grow and be discipled in the process. Pray for Josh and Robin Fowler who will be welcoming and leading this team. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Peace, Rachel