The growing light.

The days are getting longer here. I was thrilled to walk outside at 5:00PM yesterday to greet a still glowing sky beyond the barren trees.

At the moment it’s quite late (and quite dark) so I will not write too much; only share some thoughts and a prayer from a recent journal entry:

Dec. 31, 2010

Light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” (John 1:5)

Jesus, you are Light and Life.

You also call us, your disciples, the light of the world.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

Help us to shine our light, Lord.

Help us to love and hope and believe.

We know not what 2011 holds, but we trust you, Jesus.

We need your prayers. I need your prayers, to keep hoping, believing and trusting. In the first month of this year I have been faced with challenges too great for me. I can’t heal or save. But I know that Jesus can and does heal and save, redeem and restore.

Sometimes I have no words to pray… just a name. Please bring the names of the children before the Father in prayer with me. If you’d like to join me in praying for them by name, send me an email and I’ll share their names with you.

Thank you.
