The Justice Fund: Haiti

In times of crisis, Word Made Flesh helps by opening the Justice Fund to connect donors with trusted partner organizations on the ground in the area of need.

In light of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti January 12, 2010, WMF will accept gifts through February 28, 2010, that will go toward immediate relief in Haiti via organizations we know and trust. To give, go here and designate your gift “The Justice Fund.”

The organizations we will support are Haiti Partners and Hope International. Both of these organizations are run by good friends and have been and will be on the ground.

Please remember our brothers and sisters in this very difficult time and pray for them.

WMF and its Board of Directors honors the intention of every gift. However, as per regulations in the Internal Revenue Code for non-profit organizations, WMF cannot permit the receipting of charitable, tax-deductible gifts that are restricted by the donor for a specific purpose. If a donor gives to WMF, in compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations, the donor releases all dominion and control of the donation.