Treasures in Heaven

by Violeta Moraru

I am blessed that you stand with me in prayer for our ministry. I am thankful to the Lord for His care and guidance during these months since my last letter. I would like to share with you about what we have been up to and about the needs of the children and their families.

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– We have long since finished our winter holiday(and soon it will be summer!), but I remember so many special moments with the children. With some of them we went Christmas caroling: to a hospital, to two schools, to Golgotha Church (where I am a member), to a nursing home and to some of the children’s homes.  This special time together brought us so much joy.

– I also want to share some not so pleasant news which sensitizes us as a team and motivates us not to simply stand around with our hands in our pockets, but rather to act on behalf of these children.

– We have in our midst a rather large number of children whose parents can’t afford to pay for school lunch or for their children’s bus fare.  Their income is too small to cover all the needs of their children, therefore many miss a lot of school or simply don’t eat lunch.  We decided to help at least some of the children by covering the cost of hot lunch and transportation to and from school.

– In my class there is a boy named Seth* who was recently in the hospital for an operation for severe burns. As a young boy he  and his father were victims of a terrible fire: 60% of his skin was burned. As his body grows he needs a skin transplant every year. Pray that he will grow up healthy and not become discouraged by his appearance.

– There is also a girl in my class whose mother recently left her husband because he drinks too much and was violent with both of them. Now they don’t have a home and live temporarily in a large, cold room above a car wash. Saturday and Sunday they stay with me or one of my colleagues.

– The other week another one of the girls in my class seemed upset during our program and kept repeating, “I am NOT going home!” I asked what had happened and she told me that since her mother is in the hospital her father beats her and her brother. I suggested she go stay with her grandmother which is what she did.

I have mentioned here only a few of the unpleasant situations experienced by our children and their families.  These children need us to listen, to be encouraged and helped by us – by you, who share in this journey with us.

If your heart beats for these children, and you desire to help with whatever God lays on your heart: prayer, finances, food for the families, your time and presence during our activities… I invite you to store up treasures in heaven with me(Mat. 6:20).  Together we can serve the Lord and these wonderful children who need our
love and support.

Thank you!

*name has been changed