Truth, Enthusiasm, and God's Love

Dear family and friends,

I hope this note finds you unharried, thankful, and enthusiastic.

Tears blur my computer screen, as my heart is flooded with images of your faces; memories of shared laughter, meals, and conversations; and fragments of encouraging correspondence.  I love and miss you all very much.

My last prayer letter was a bit explosive, so I will begin with an update on that situation.  (You can read it at if you didn’t receive it.  Click COMMUNITY, then STAFF, then CAMI SIGLER, then VIEW PRAYER LETTERS.)  In my note, I had expressed my anguish about being lied to for many years by some dear friends here.  When the Word Made Flesh community leaders, Chris and Phileena Heuertz, came to visit Freetown in July, we hosted a meal for everyone caught in the deceptive web.  We also invited some discerning Sierra Leonean Christian leaders to help us untangle the ruse.

Sitting around the table together, we experienced God.  Unconditional love and safety were expressed.  The truth came out.  Forgiveness was extended.  Wisdom and guidance were spoken and received.

This shared supper was a turning point for us here, towards greater intimacy, authenticity, and faithfulness.  We are also excited about the possibility of beginning a local Word Made Flesh board of directors with some of the advisors who participated with us.  

Truth is also blossoming in the Lighthouse program.  After attending two weeks of Bible camp, the teens came back vulnerably confessing, humbly apologizing, and joyfully eager to start afresh. Witnessing their tears, and heartfelt testimonies, I found myself desiring more of what they had, i.e. ENTHUSIASM (from “en theo” = God within).  

In other news, the tailoring teens continue to excel in their skill.  They recently sewed some excellent, professional “ASHOBI” (matching dress clothes) for their peers.  A few months ago they started savings accounts to prepare for their own shop start-up fees when they graduate October 2007.  Amazingly, one young man already has $300 US in his account!

One of the Lighthouse teens ranked second in his high school class of 58.  Two girls were offered double promotions (to skip an academic year) because of their academic excellence.  We are so proud of their hard work!

Personally I am doing well.  Mindy, Joe, Faye, and I are continuing to grow and work together, supporting and encouraging one another.  I am also feeling stronger and healthier than I have in over a year.  I have even begun to swim laps regularly.  


Cami Sigler


The love for equal is a human thing.

The love for the less fortunate is a beautiful thing.

The love for the more fortunate is a rare thing.

Then there is a love for enemy.

This is God’s love.

It conquers the world. (Buechner)