We love Aaron Strumpel

elephants coverAaron Strumpel has led the Word Made Flesh community in times of worship at a Beggars Society, a special WMF concert and our 2007 international staff gathering. He is a dear friend of the community and a delightful and talented musician.

After extensive work with Enter the Worship Circle, he’s made his first independent album, Elephants.

Check out his website for samples and to order!

Some reviews:
“Elephants is not for the faint of heart, but those who are looking for solace and hope in God—another hallmark of the Psalms—will not be disappointed. This is an album that retains the disturbing picture that life is messy and full of pain and disappointment, and that hope and faith are hard-won victories. It’s a stunning achievement.” Christianity Today

“But in the hands of many contemporary musicians, the Psalms have been neutered, transformed into wispy, ethereal sighs and coos. The powerful drama so evident on the page — the tug of war between intense pain and fleeting hope, the wrestling with injustice and senseless death, the crying out for mercy and forgiveness — has largely been absent. Aaron Strumpel’s new album, Elephants (Thirsty Dirt), intends to restore the blood and desperation.” USA Today

“It is an interesting and progressive folk rock album that refuses to be tamed and gives you something to ruminate on during and after the listening experience.” RELEVANT