WMF Peru Community Letter_Earthquake Relief Update

                                                                                                                        September, 2007

Dear friends, We are writing this letter in the wake of the earthquake that shook Peru on August 15th. As many of you know, the aftermath of this earthquake found more than 500 confirmed dead, thousands injured, and tens of thousands affected and homeless. As you read this, relief efforts are continuing amid concerns of a coming health crisis due to decaying bodies, lack of drinkable water and the effects of cold weather on already traumatized people; everyone in Peru is affected by the earthquake in some way. All of WMF Peru's staff, board, and volunteers are safe; no family has lost anyone. As far as our friends among whom we minister, many whose extended families from the provinces directly affected by the earthquake, information about their families is still forthcoming due to poor communication.

The Peruvian government, along with many secular and Christian NGOs and churches are responding to the immediate and long-term needs of the affected. There are dozens of major donation centers around Lima, administered by the Peruvian national army, receiving everything from water bottles to blankets to kid's toys. The Red Cross is receiving blood donations daily from people in solidarity with the wounded, while the Peruvian as well as foreign governments, the UN and organizations like World Vision are opening funds to help rebuild lives through creating temporary jobs and to begin construction on schools and homes. Sadly, this is not enough to even restore basic order or respond to the immediate dietary and health needs of survivors.

During times of social upheaval, wars, and natural disasters, the poor historically suffer more. This is true of the current situation in the areas most affected by the earthquake because what little many families had as personal property resources has fallen or been crushed, the death of a bread-winner means a pending food crisis for their table, or the public hospital where they hope to receive basic medical attention is over-crowded and the family then suffers a health crisis.

For information about the location, severity and abundance of aftershocks, see: http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eq_depot/2007/eq_070815_gbcv/neic_gbcv_h.html

For general information about the earthquake, see: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/doc404?OpenForm&rc=2&emid=EQ-2007-000133-PER or search www.cnn.com or www.bbc.com.uk for "Peru Earthquake" to get the latest news updates.

WMF Peru staff Monica Ghali, Sarah Dobrin, and Linsey Higgins have posted blog reflections on the earthquake, please see:

Monica's blog: mghali.blogspot.com/2007/08/aftershock.html

Sarah's blog: sarahdobrin.blogspot.com

Linsey's blog: linseyhiggins.blogspot.com

WMF Peru is responding in the following ways:

1. Prayer: Our belief in a loving God can be tested in times of crisis, and so our hearts come into solidarity with others and cry out to God on behalf of our situation. There was an old church, which the night of the earthquake fell on top of 300 funeral mourners. While there are Peruvian legends of churches and other sites deemed holy surviving past earthquakes, the truth is that we ALL, believers or not, live in a world which suffers. Please bring your hearts in line with ours as we pray that we would testify to a loving God through our commitment to and solidarity with our neighbors in their suffering.

2. Participation in relief efforts: Local churches and Christian organizations, among them the Evangelical Free Churches of Peru, Calvary Chapel, the C&MA of Peru, and World Vision Peru are coordinating visits and relief efforts to their ministries in the affected areas. Our community is participating on these relief teams.

3. WMF Peru Earthquake relief fund: We have opened a relief fund until December 31, 2007, which will be exclusively used for WMF Peru's earthquake relief efforts, including direct aid to families, purchase of food, clothing, and medical supplies, and participation with partner organizations involved in relief efforts. As we evaluate the need in the coming months, we will make every effort to support groups working locally in a respectful, sustainable way.

Checks can be sent to (with attached note reading, "WMF Peru Earthquake Relief"):

Word Made Flesh PO Box 70 Omaha, NE 68101


Thank you for caring,

All of us in WMF Peru jose luis, anna, sebastian, monica, sarah, david, linsey, brian, rachel