WMF Peru Update

Recently, Peru has experienced fatal flash flooding and mudslides throughout the entire country.  We are thankful to report that everyone at our WMF Peru site is safe, but please be in prayer for the country as a whole as the flooding has caused wide-spread devastation and there is the possibility of continuing heavy rains for the next two weeks. Please pray for the recovery of the society and economy as there have been 79 fatalities, hundred of thousands of people displaced, and many of the villages and roadways destroyed.  Pray also for current physical needs to be met as there is a shortage of clean drinking water and agriculture products have increased in price due to the damages caused by the flooding.

Peru Flooding

Current Needs At WMF Peru
  • Funds to cover the budget and bring on new staff.
  • Professional volunteers who speak Spanish to join the team, roles including: social workers, teachers, web/social media designers, and administrators.
  • WMF Peru is also holding a fundraiser for backpacks right now.  $40 will provide a child with a backpack and school supplies.  Please consider supporting the education of the children in Peru!