My bags are packed and today I sorted through a box of colorful notes from children and friends who have been part of my life here in Galati. I was touched again by their loving words of gratitude and well-wishing and I chuckled at the various phonetic renditions of my name: Raicheal, Ricer, and even Rigli (not sure how that last one sounds like Rachel…). It’s amazing to see in writing how others have been blessed through me. As I leave Galati, I feel that I am the one who has been blessed. I have spent the better part of my 20’s in this community of children and peers, and they have played an important role in shaping who I have become.
This month I am experiencing a “schimbare majora” in my life, a “big change”. I am certain that no matter how much my outer circumstances change in this big move, there is a part of me that remains forever changed by this place and these people. Although these special friends may no longer be physically present to me each day, they will always be a part of me.
As I sorted through my box of cards, I also came across multiple letters from my mom and dad, my brothers, my grandparents and aunts, my best friends from college, and other friends from across the Atlantic. The same is true of these family members and friends. Although we are not physically present to one another, there is a permanent part of me that lives because of each one who has touched my life in one way or another.
I remember during my first year in Romania how much all those letters meant to me as I struggled through culture shock, feeling lost in a city of 350,000 people who didn’t speak my language. Now I’m starting all over again, and in a city twice as large! … here’s my address. Please write!
Rachel Simons
Str. Alexandru Hâjdeu 48, ap. 3
Chişinău, MD-2001
Republica Moldova
Please keep me and the team in your prayers. At this point, we are one Moldovan (Adriana), one Romanian (Magda), and three Americans (John, Annie and myself). Iosif has decided not to join us at this time, but we are praying that he will have enough support to join us soon.
Please pray for:
· Host families for Annie, Magda and myself.
· Language and cultural acquisition. Magda and I will study Russian. Annie will study Romanian. John already knows both!
· Unity for the team as we make decisions concerning where to invest ourselves. At this point we have many who would love to have us organize activities for their children (at orphanages or youth centers). We need to discern where to establish relationships so we don’t get spread too thin.
· The community of children and staff in Galati, Romania. Pray for comfort and peace as they adjust to our absence. We will miss them terribly.
Thank you!
In Christ,

Annie, Rachel, Magda and John