If You’ve Never Been There, You’ll Never Know

When I began, I didn’t know what I was getting into. I had a general idea of what Word Made Flesh Bolivia did, but as days (and years) passed and I learned more about the reality they encounter, God taught me something.  These women can, in Christ, find their identity, and their children can break free a whole generation from a hard and dark life.

One afternoon, while I was walking down the street, I heard a voice shout my name, and I recognized the sweet familiar voice as one of the little girls who visits the drop-in center with her mom.  My heart filled with joy.

It gives me life to see the children of these women, to feel their hugs.  Maybe if hadn’t become involved in Word Made Flesh, I would judge the women and lose out on an immense blessing, but God showed me his heart, and I understood that just how He sees me, He sees each of these women in a special way.

For a long time, it was difficult for me that the first time a woman rings our doorbell, it was often me that opened the door.  And often, I thought that maybe it wasn’t a good idea that a man open the door and maybe leave a negative first impression of the ministry center, or be one more threat in their lives.  But while I was in a meeting, God set something in my heart. He told me: maybe you can’t offer them a hug, but opening the door and welcoming them, being the first impression they have of the ministry center may be a huge step for them toward a new beginning in their lives.  From then on, I let Jesus break down those barriers and do His work.

I learned that serving here gives me the freedom to make them part of my life, without judgement in my heart toward any of the women in our midst, and I know that that is how it will be wherever I find myself from now on.

Reflection by: José Murillo – WMFB Administrative Assistant