With Gratitude

June 14, 2009

Dear Friends,

For the past two years, you have made it possible for me to work at Word Made Flesh as a part of my journey toward giving myself to Jesus. You have given because you believe in the work of Word Made Flesh and you believe in me. You have joined me, and together we are pouring out our lives for each other and for God’s beloved poor. You have gifted me your love, encouragement, time, and money. I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I write to you.

Thank you.

As most of you know, I am responsible to raise my full salary along with some travel and professional development costs. At the beginning of this year my support account began to run low and last month my account did go into the negative for the first time in two years (which just means my costs have been more than what has been donated on my behalf). Below I have listed both my financial need for next year and a breakdown of the support I received in the first five month of 2009.
Financial support needed per month July 2009 – June 2010:

Salary: $1600.00
Administrative costs of the mission: $268.00
Staff Retreat & other development: $200.00
Total: $2068.00 per month
Or $24,816.00 per year

Average support received per month January 2009 – May 2009:

Monthly Donors: $545.00
Church Donor: $261.00
One Time Donors: $410.50
Total: $1216.50 per month

On average this year, I have a shortfall of about $850 each month. I would like to ask you to consider helping me raise $850 more each month. Each gift, regardless of the amount goes a long way toward meeting my goals. I have enclosed a form that you can fill out and have your gift taken from your account automatically or send a one-time gift. Or you can give online.

Below, I have included the principals of Word Made Flesh fundraising. This list enumerates what you can expect of me and the organization that I work for in the area of raising support. I would like to highlight the second point listed there:

We commit to deeply valuing each “friend of WMF” whether you are a donor or not. We invite you to take ownership in what we are about in the world because we believe that God is at work. To each friend of mine: thank you for walking with me in all sorts of creative ways. Your love is life-giving to me.

With Love and Gratitude,
Marcia M. Ghali

Principles of WMF Fundraising

1. WMF rejects traditional and aggressive fund-raising techniques that often dehumanize potential donors. We refuse to objectify you by seeing you only for what you can give. Rather, we desire to humanize each of you as friends and partners in mission.

2. We commit to deeply valuing each “friend of WMF” whether you are a donor or not. We invite you to take ownership in what we are about in the world because we believe that God is at work.

3. We commit to growing in our relationship with those who support our community. By “supporters,” we mean those who are on this journey with us. Support can come through financial gifts, prayers and even solidarity with our cause. We will not position ourselves in such a way that a gift or funding creates leverage that humiliates, rather than humanizes, one another. We want to receive gifts that renew and embolden and inspire, because that’s how God intends our giving to be. We desire to serve Christ among the poor with those of you who support WMF.

4. We believe in WMF and what we’re doing and will freely ask for your participation in God’s work among the poor. We will not feel guilty about making the ministry’s needs known, because we believe we are simply doing God’s will in response to His call. Likewise, we don’t want your giving to be guilt-induced. Giving should be joyous. As we fulfill God’s call together with you, both the giving and receiving should be a guilt-free transaction.

5. As we freely ask when there is need, we also commit to not ask unless we have a real need. We commit to integrity in that we will not fill the storehouses and let the grain of God’s provision rot.

6. We won’t hassle you with long, over-formatted letters or fill your mailbox with appeal after appeal.

7. We will continue to embrace gratitude as our posture and celebrate it. We want each of you to know that in our gratitude, we will handle every gift you send with humility and integrity. We do this recognizing that every gift creates an opportunity for a grateful exchange with the giver.

Taken from and influenced by:
“Submission and Support,” Chris Heuertz; The Cry (Winter 2005: Vol. 11, No. 4)
Spirituality of Fundraising, Henri Nouwen, http://www.henrinouwen.org/home/booklet/