a new turn in the road

Dear friends,

As this New Year begins I am more aware than ever of just how important a role you share in what God has called me to. 

Some big transitions are ahead for me this year as two major decisions have been made in the last couple months.  First, that I will have a time of sabbatical rest from July-December 2009.  Second, that when I return to Galati I will join a team headed to the neighboring country of Moldova to serve Jesus among the poor in this new context.

I share this with you as a humble request to pray for me.  In sabbatical God is calling me to come away with Him, to be still and rest.  In moving on to Moldova He is calling me to come and love Him in a new land, serving Him among women and children and families who have suffered much. 

To answer your first question, “What language do they speak?” I'm happy to share that Romanian is now the official language of Moldova.  However, Moldova was under Soviet rule from WW2 until 1989 so everyone speaks Russian as well. I could share more about Moldova, but I will give you some time to look it up on Wikipedia.

For now, I simply need you to know that your prayers are of the utmost importance at this time in my life.  Reading from the book Come be my Light about the life and journey of Mother Theresa, I came across her correspondence with a terminally ill woman who stood with her in prayer.  Mother Theresa says,

"…You see, my dear sister, our work is a most difficult one.  If you are with us – praying and suffering for us and the work – we shall be able to do great things for love of Him – because of you.

…Personally I feel very happy and a new strength has come in my soul at the thought of you and others joining the Society spiritually.  Now with you and others doing the work with us, what would we not do, what can't we not do for Him?

When things are difficult, my soul is encouraged with the thought of having you to pray and suffer for me.  Then I find it easy and the smile for the good God comes much quicker.” (148)

I have often been impressed at various times by a strange joy or peace that comes over me, usually unexplainable considering the events of the given day.  And then I smile and think to myself, “Someone must be praying for me.  Thank you, Father.”

And thank you!  Be encouraged to know that the Spirit works through our prayers and He is making all things new!

In closing I want to share part of a list we made this month of where God demonstrated His care for us in 2008.  Praise Him with us for His faithfullness.

In 2008, God brought us four new staff members: April, John, Anca and Jeni. Three new boys, grade 3rd, 4th and 5th joined our community and have integrated well into the after-school program. In 2008, four of our youth graduated from 8th grade and began high school. A Servant Team stayed four months and blessed us with their energetic presence, tirelessly playing with our children during game time each day. One of our teenage girls was falsely accused by the police of prostitution.  After a series of court meetings(that lasted several months), the charges against her were dropped. Praise God! Continuing collaboration with the local Mayor's Office has proved fruitful and we will receive more finances from this local institution in 2009 than in any other previous year. God answered our prayers in providing a home for several families that set up shelters on the sidewalk where they lived for 6 months after being kicked out of their homes. Praise God they have a warm home this winter!

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace.
