Langley family April update letter









April 2012

Langley family update


Dear loved ones,

We have been going through a bit of an emotional roller coaster during this season of our lives.

On Valentine’s Day (pictured above) Monica and the girls organized a special dinner for us.  We were treated to a multi-course feast; every time they brought a new dish to us, the girls in turn shared about their love for us.  Definitely an emotional high!

As you may have read from our previous letter (or heard through the grapevine) we are going to adopt again!  We have started the first of three phases.  Once again we find our hearts pregnant with hope and expectation that God will be with us, and watching over whatever child we eventually receive into our family.  It is exciting for us to share this experience with both our girls and our family and friends.  We pray with our girls that, “God would prepare our hearts to receive this child into our family.”  Would you pray the same on our behalf?  There are many unknowns as to when the adoption will go through and of course what this new member of our family will be like!  The Peruvian Government adoption agency’s philosophy is to give families to children who need them and to work always in the best interest of the child.  Therefore, families don’t “pick” a child; they are “assigned” a child based on our application packet and evaluation.  Given our age range, we could receive a child up to 3 years old.  The adoption process is an emotional roller coaster all by itself!

At the end of February the WMF Peru community sent off Monica Ghali to the next season of her life, having completed 6 years of life and work in community.  She is one of the most special friends that our family has ever had.  She has been family for us, and an aunt for our girls (“de cariño” as they say in Spanish, meaning, “like family because of love”).  It was definitely an emotional low for us when she stepped out of our door for the last time.  But, in addition to the wonderful memories that we have created together (like the desert sand dune trip pictured above with the Ghali family), we have the hope not only that our paths will cross again (which they will) but that we have committed our lives to a cause greater and more wonderful than any human relationship can bear or compare- the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is the cause that underlies our commitment to live and work in Peru.  It is the cause that brought us here, sustains us daily, and is our hope for the next season of our lives.

We are making more concrete plans to begin a period of sabbatical.  Word Made Flesh offers this option every 7th year to all full time staff.  Ours is almost 5 years overdue.  We are a little apprehensive, and to be honest, anxious, about sabbatical.  Will the ministry in Peru survive our creative absence?  Will there be enough money?  Will our supporters stay committed to us financially during Sabbatical?  Will we accomplish the goals that we have for Sabbatical?     What will things be like when we return?  What will God have done in us when we return?

Of course, many of these questions will remain unresolved through our Sabbatical, and possibly beyond.  But with your prayers and support we will rest secure in God’s perfect will for us and for the community in which we have been serving since October, 2000.

Good things are happening in the WMF Peru community.  The Back to School Program is continuing to grow and bless many families.  We are going to start including young adults this year who will attend night school and/or trade school.  Thank you to everyone who took part in this!

Please check out the recent post from our friend, and WMF Peru’s National Director, Anna Monteviller, on the website.  It is inspiring to see how God is working through her leadership!


As always, thank you.

Keep in touch,


the Langleys