Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
The Celebration of Simplicity (as Featured in The Cry)
Emily is working hard to learn to walk. I watched my other two children learn to walk, and I see how Emily’s process is much more slow and intentional because of her delayed development with Trisomy 21. But Emily is focused on her goal. Probably a hundred times a day she practices standing up, balancing,…
Lifestyle Celebrations: On Simplicity (as Featured in The Cry)
Matthew 6:33a — “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…” This issue of The Cry is focused on our Lifestyle Celebration of Simplicity. Considering this, perhaps I should just create a pithy haiku and call it good for this reflection. Well, I’ll at least compose a haiku on simplicity to begin: with Simplicityeven great…
Highlights of Summer
When we say ‘Highlights of Summer’ – we’re keeping in mind our North American readers! June, July and August are chilly months in Bolivia, but also a great time of ministry growth. June: This first half of 2018 saw immense growth in our women’s and kids’ programs and in order to celebrate and encourage…
From the Editor — Simplicity (as Featured in The Cry)
It is such a pleasure to introduce to you this issue of The Cry. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my work with Word Made Flesh is that of seeing our lifestyle celebrations come to life through the stories of our folks around the world and the people with whom they do life together.…
We Need Each Other
We had included this reflection in a monthly newsletter to our staff but wanted to make it available to friends of Word Made Flesh as well. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need all around the world. by…
Meet our Staff: Kristen Leichty
Kristen Leichty Director of Community Care, Intl. Office, USA Kristen joined Word Made Flesh as the Director of Community Care in August 2018. She desires to offer a space for reflection, rest and a listening ear to the WMF community as we live out our vocational callings around the world. In 2017, Kristen graduated from Portland…
From the Inside Out: Reimagining Mission, Recreating the World
The evolution that has taken place in the world of mission over the last twenty-five years has left many Christians asking brutally honest questions about what we do and why we do it. Are we doing more damage than good? What does it look like to truly love and serve the marginalized in an authentic…
The Prodigal Son and God’s Awaiting Embrace
by Clint Baldwin, Executive Director This last weekend, my pastor offered a sermon on a topic that has been near to my heart for a long time and has also been part of Word Made Flesh discussions for a long time, too. He spoke about the parable of the Prodigal Son and throughout referenced Henri…
I live For Redemption Stories
I walked into a brothel last night. the light was dim, the music bouncing. hard porn covered the walls. urinals lined the entryway. the place reeked of urine, beer, & smoke. I see women lining the doorways just waiting to be chosen & my heart begins to break as reality sets in. I don’t even…
Lifestyle Celebrations: On Service (as Featured in The Cry)
“The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason.” – T. S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral “Service – We celebrate service as an expression of our fellowship.” – Word Made Flesh Lifestyle Celebrations (https://wordmadeflesh.org/about/) “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to…