Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Sharing the Gospel starts with Listening by Alafia Cole
Finding myself in Sierra Leone, a country with seventeen ethnic groups, and each with their own sets of beliefs, traditions and customs. It is my dream to see every one of these groups subjecting themselves to the kingdom culture which sets Jesus at the center of all, spreading God’s love to everyone in relation to…
My Jesus sits with Tax Collectors, Sinners, and Me! by Emma Crocker
Brokenness is one of the hardest lifestyle celebrations of WMF for me to celebrate. I’m a perfectionist with myself, and I often struggle with shame when I don’t meet my imagined and unrealistic standards. I can tell you now that what brought me to Jesus at the age of 15 was feeling seen by God…
Choosing Trust over Certainty by Emily Fales
January is often embraced as a symbol of renewal in people’s lives. It is filled with visioning, planning, goal setting, scheduling, reorienting, and refocusing. For those who have a clear goal in mind, they are excited to share the story they are hoping unfolds in their year. I had already been asked the question What…
Faces of Love – Rosa’s Story
The Esther Project became a turning point for Rosa, a member of WMF Brazil Community, when she encountered the kindness of Val and Missionaria Dandy. Initially, Rosa came to the community with the intention of sharing her truth to secure a basic food basket. She received not only the essential provisions but also spiritual support…
Faces of Love – Max’s Story
Max* is short in stature, thin, with blond hair and beautiful bright blue eyes, has some speech deficiencies, and prefers to play alone. His start at the center was slow-paced. With unmet emotional and material needs, Max was lacking the desire to attend school and the center. As the youngest in his family, he had…
Faces of Love – Julian and Gabriel’s Story
Every Thursday, our community looks forward to visiting our friends in the Kroo Bay Community during our Outreach program. On this particular Thursday, three of our staff met a young boy named Julian, in a heated quarrel with a relative, who threatened to hit him. They stayed to help calm the situation and later enquired…
Faces of Love – Allen’s Story
Allen, a youth in our Lighthouse program, was born in a small village nestled in the heart of the beautiful district called Port Loko. One day his Aunt visited them in the village and requested to take Allen with her to Freetown, to gain a better education. Allen’s father agreed, and soon after, he watched…
Hearing God’s Voice by Becca King
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3: 5-6 When picturing how God speaks to his people, I often think of the scene in Monty Pythons’ The Holy Grail where God is…
What Our Eyes See and What Our Ears Hear by Conrad Daives
In the United States, my wife and I do unity and reconciliation work in a 320,000-member city called Lexington, KY, the second-largest city in Kentucky. According to the US Census Bureau, the demographics of racial identity are statistically parallel to national data, except for its lower Hispanic population which directs our missional focus. Our ministry’s…
Encountering the Presence of Christ: Making a Case to go to Church by David Chronic
Many of us in Word Made Flesh (WMF) have had a hard time going to church. Of course, we know that church is important and connected to mission. In fact, part of our vision is to see those in poverty find their home in church and for the church to be home for those suffering…