Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Tired & Happy
Friends, I’m so tired. But it’s so good. This week consisted of a lot of big moments right in a row — receiving an old amiga into the ministry center and talking through options as she comes out of a severely abusive domestic violence situation, inviting over 60 women in the red light district into friendship and accompaniment with…
Lifestyle Celebration: On Community (as Featured in The Cry)
Friends, throughout this issue of The Cry on Community you will read about how the people of Word Made Flesh are daily, faithfully seeking to build and sustain communities patterned after examples that God gives us throughout the Scriptures of – in the phraseology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – doing life together. Considering the idea of…
“I wish everyone would stop talking about him like he was a drug dealer and a gangbanger. As if that makes it okay that he was killed.” In the book, “The Hate U Give,” by Angie Thomas (Harper Collins, 2017 New York Times best seller), righteous indignation swells in the main character Starr over the killing of…
The (whole) Christmas Story
Waxy nativity scenes don’t really represent for me the God-with-us component of Christmas. In a world with so much darkness, evil, hatred, and despair, a nativity scene doesn’t rally a brave and bold hope in me. I instead get distracted thinking the figurines all look too white and pale for a scene in Palestine. But…
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
This month has battered me. A few weeks ago, I was side-swiped by a minibus swerving to avoid tourists. When the police found out that our car was insured, they declared the accident my fault (even though the minibus driver’s license was expired). Then, a teenage thief snatched my cellphone from my hand while I…
My New Favorite Superhero!
Every superhero has a tragic origin story, but Wanda’s is absolutely horrific. Orphaned and sent to live with her aunt and uncle as a teenager, her cousin raped her. When the family learned she was pregnant, they beat her. And after she lost the baby, they kicked her out onto the street. She ended up…
Lifestyle Celebration: On Humility (as Featured in The Cry)
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mk. 10:15) “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom…
A World Full of Good People
The small group meeting had just ended and everyone filters away to their homes. The matron of the family gathers us together around the table and begins, “We saw your call for help for Wanda,* and we want to help.” All the family nods in agreement. “We have a stove that was a wedding present from…
Lifestyle Celebration: On Obedience (as Featured in The Cry)
Obedience. We can tend to cringe a bit when it’s mentioned. Obedience is a term that carries a whole lot of negative cultural baggage. Throughout history, ranging from the oversight of families to that of nations, people have far too often used the idea of obedience to perpetuate harm on others. The idea of obedience…
Why Are We Determined ?
The tournaments are over BUT our friends and family are determined for us to reach our financial goal, which is awesome, so we decided to extend our efforts through October 31st! It IS possible for us to reach our goal with your help. ANY amount will make all the difference so please use your resources and connections to…