Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
January Update 2013
I’m not bringing any special message for 2013. God is always with us and all I want for us all is to be aware of it every second of our lives. Another year passed, another year found us happy or not, content or not. 2012 was especially marked by news regarding the end of the…
January 2013
Dear Friends and Family, We celebrated the dignity of a group of adolescents who come to our after-school program today (December 10). With boxes full of the 309 hand-made Christmas cards that these kids made this semester, we all took a trolleybus to a private school in downtown Chisinau this morning. We set up two…
Random Thoughts on Recent Events
Today I am numb, a continent away from tragedy in the U.S. I just can’t seem to shake it.
The Cry – for Service (vol. 18 no. 3)
Read through this issue of The Cry, focused on lifestyle celebration of service. [gview file=”https://wordmadeflesh.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Vol-18-No-3-Service1.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900px” save=”1″]
The 2012 Annual Report
This year we are offering our annual report in an infographic format, reflecting with simplicity and humility how grateful we are to be partnered together in Word Made Flesh. Thank you for your giving and support this year. We look forward to what God will do in 2013! View the file here: WMF Annual Report,…
December Update 2012
Dear friends, As I am writing this letter I am experiencing a freedom that I never knew existed. It has been three years since my wife and I have tried to sell our house so that we could pay back a very bad bank loan. It has been two months since the selling process finally…
I Do This for God.
An Interview with Rachel Koon The following is an interview Rachel Koon conducted and graciously translation from her conversation with a 16 year old girl who recently graduated from the school where the WMF community works in Moldova. She interviewed this young woman because she has a clear desire to serve. She is often creating…
Centered-Self Service
One night as I was traveling along a dark blurry road in a taxi, my attention was pulled to the right. Two shadowed figures, one above and one below, were engaged in a battle. One was clearly dominating the other. The vehicle, all of a sudden, came upon a man and a woman. As we…
Prodigal Forgiveness
Nine years ago, in my idealism, I thought I was coming to Freetown to help, to serve. Now I am much more aware of God’s intentions to undo and remake me. Skinny spritely Jonathan* was about thirteen when I met him nine years ago. He was living “in the park” then, sleeping on makeshift market…
On Service
A phrase that a professor of mine once told me still haunts me and it goes like this: “you’ll know you’re a servant of God when you’re treated like one.” At first glance, this sounds inviting, but upon further investigation, it sounds much less romantic. Throughout world history, men and women who claim to be…