Artist Ambassador: Dave Kratzer

Word Made Flesh Artist Ambassadors believe deeply in WMF’s mission of walking in solidarity with and among persons experiencing extreme hardship and vulnerability. Our ambassadors in the practice of their art exemplify the same Spirit in which WMF does its work. They are to us extensions of our community, assisting WMF in enacting the Good News of Jesus.

Obediently Present

It is early in the morning. I scale flour, water, salt and yeast into the mixing bowl. The process of mixing bread for the day has begun. Thousands of times I have done this, but still the mystery of it persists. Inert, colorless, and sterile, these ingredients of flour, water, salt and yeast will be transformed. They become bread: aromatic, colorful, delicious, nourishing.


For nearly twenty years now I have been playing with the basic ingredients of bread: flour, water, salt and yeast. Often, usually when I find myself hurried and distracted, I lose sight of the mystery unfolding in front of me. But on good days I slow down and pay attention, practice wonder, and celebrate the beauty of the process unfolding in front of me. God is present in these things

Recently I began working as a baker with DV8 Kitchen. Our mission is to employ people who, because of addictions or a criminal history, need a second chance.  As with baking bread, I am learning to see God’s mysterious presence among these amazing and resilient people. God is present.

