Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
One-Year! Celebrate!
My dear family and friends, First, I want to thank you for reading these letters and praying for me and responding. You bless me! 🙂 I will start this letter with a support update and prayer requests and then share a reflection of my year in the making. As of the beginning of September, I…
Highlights October 2007
“Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8 Â Dear friend, Â Trying to think of highlights to share from this month is overwhelming because it seems there have been so many. I also want to give some updates on things I’ve shared in letters earlier…
Fanning the flame
Dear Friends and Family, Greetings of hope, joy, and peace to you. I hope this letter finds you reveling in God’s abundant love. I have been back in Freetown for a week now, after spending three months in the U.S. I am adjusting to the slower pace, and different rhythms of life here. It has…
Settling In
September 2007 Hello Everyone! We are writing you from Bolivia, having been here now for two weeks. We've been settling into our old apartment and taking time to readjust to the changes here – altitude, climate, cooking, language, etc. We're happy to report, all are doing well! The kids are great. Elias is the happiest…
Back to work!
Greetings once again, I'm happy to inform you all that I made it safely back to Nepal on August 4th after 2 months of enjoying time with friends and family back in the states. It was a really wonderful time for me being back with many of you. My family is doing well, everyone is growing…
Pilgrimage and Sabbatical
10 August 2007 Dear Friends, In June Chris and I returned to Omaha from a life-altering pilgrimage. We took time to ease back into life in community here by walking three days a week to and from the office—our slow pace and painful steps reminded us of where our feet had traveled. In Spain we…
September prayer letter
September 2007 Dear family and friends, Greetings to all of you once again in Jesus' name! We are back in Lima after an eventful month of July. The adventure started when Brian's two day trip to the jungle to visit a former youth from the street who is playing semi-professional soccer there turned into an…
September 2007 Prayer Letter
Dear friends & family, First of all, I wanted to apologize for not writing last month. The deadline for the letter was in the midst of staff retreat, and I just plain forgot to tackle it. However, you should have received the fall issue of The Cry in August, and I hope you consider it…
Dear beloved friends & family, We had a wonderful time visiting so many of you while we were in the US. We already miss you! These are always special times for us, and we cherish them greatly. We were able to share some stories, photos and even a song with lots of…
summer fun
May God be gracious to us make His face shine down; May God be gracious to us and make His ways known. (lyrics to a song by aaron strumpel) This is my last night in Lepsa, Romania (Aug. 14) and tomorrow I head back to Galati. Camp with the children was wonderful! Really, I…