Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
March 2008 Prayer Letter
March 1, 2008 Dear Friends and Family, One of our desires for this year is to be more intentional about how we care for you, our sending and prayer team. After all, you do so much to care for our family and many of the lives we are intimately connected with here in Argentina. One…
Looking to Sierra Leone
2/14/08 Dear Friends and Family, Vivian (the cat) along with the free wireless internet moved out of my building in December marking a new, unplugged phase of life in Omaha. Lately, I have watched PBS instead of network television online, read books instead of blogs, and used cookbooks instead of online recipe sites. At work…
New Monasticism, New Friars and The Third Order
February 15 2008 To Our Dear Friends & Family, Let me first say a big thank you for all of your love and support during Chris and my sabbatical. We had an amazing 5 months of rest last year beginning with our pilgrimage in May and continuing at the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity…
My Possessions.
My Dear Friends, Recently I was looking through my pictures from my Servant Team in 2005. We all look so different, me especially because I decided while I was there to dread my hair (thanks to the wonderful help of Julie and Jesse- my teammates!). If you saw me sometime around then you know what…
The odor of death
March 2008 Easter on the Orthodox Church calendar falls at the end of April this year, which has caused a little confusion for me as I think about observing a season of Lent. My Western calendar says I should have begun early in February, but that would mean two and a half months of observing…
March Prayer Letter
Dear Family and Friends, This is my first prayer letter of 2008, so I want to begin by saying that I hope that your Christmas and New Year were exciting, fun, full of Love and Joy as you celebrated the birth of our Savior. I spent Christmas and the New Year eating and watching…
February support letter
Dear friends, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for supporting me and apologize for not being in touch for so long. With some of you, I know this is my first time communicating with you even though you have supported me financially and prayerfully. I really appreciate all for you prayers…
March prayer letter
Dear Family and Friends, As I begin to write this I am filled with joy and excitement because of all of the amazing things God has been doing since the last time I wrote. Amy and I are seeing the outcome of all of your prayers and are overwhelmed by Gods divine power! We are…
Beggars Society: February 10, 2008: Amey Victoria Adkins and Leia Harper of the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity
2008 New Friars Forum Overview
Hey Everyone, I wanted to send you all an update on the New Friars Forum we hosted here at the WMF Omaha office last week. As some of you may know, a few years ago, Scott Bessenecker (author of The New Friars) started to reflect on the imaging of what were being called then (and…