Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Revelation 12 : Advent Day 2
For several years, I attended a church in West Michigan called “Mars Hill.” One Christmas the teaching pastor there, Rob Bell, preached from Revelation 12. I had never heard an interpretation of that passage paralleling the Christmas Story as told in the Gospels, but it seemed to piece together. It paints a more violent picture…
December 2011
As we write, the Holiday’s are coming upon us. We’re enjoying warm, Spring days before the rains come, and anticipating joyful times ahead: a blooming garden, shared meals, gifts given and received, vacation days and time with beloved family and friends. May you enjoy the fullness of this Season and extend Christ’s love to all those around you.
Advent Day 1, Among the Flock
Among the Flock: What Are Really You Wired For? The presence of sheep during the Christmas season is unmistakable. I honestly don’t know why sheep are the most common animal mentioned in scripture, but I have a hunch that it’s no accident. Though sheep are not specifically mentioned in the account of Creation, God made…
Communion, Community and Mission
My team and I recently watched videos of Henri Nouwen as he delivered a message on “Being the Beloved.” Read my reflection here and also find links to photos and video of life and ministry in Moldova.
Looking Ahead
Even as we’re looking ahead to what the future brings for Word Made Flesh Canada, we can’t help but look back to celebrate the last 20 years of God’s faithfulness. November 15th, 2011 marks the twenty-year anniversary of Word Made Flesh’s mission and ministry. Just this morning, I had the privilege of participating in a…
November '11 Prayer Letter
HAPPY THANKSGIVING “I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” Dear friend, I am writing today from Omaha, Nebraska. Can you believe it!? I am an East Coast girl shivering her way through her first winter in the Midwest. Home for me is Orlando, among friends I adore,…
Chennai Christmas Invitation
Click here to view the Chennai Christmas Invitation!
Chennai November Newsletter
CLICK HERE To view this letter, click on the link provided above!
Won't you celebrate?
won’t you celebrate with me (Lucille Clifton) won’t you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life? i had no model. born in babylon both nonwhite and woman what did i see to be except myself? i made it up here on this bridge between starshine and clay, my one hand…
Join the celebration
Twenty years ago a small group of recent college graduates came together around the crazy idea that we could actually help the poor, maybe even change the world. In the early 90’s, the shape of global poverty was much different than it is today. Absolute poverty and hunger plagued the earth, it was estimated that…