Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
November 2011 Prayer Letter
November 2011 Dear Friends, As I write Ana and I are in the second day of a three-day personal retreat. Our time has been really great thus far, having time set aside for reading, praying, and reflection. Yesterday, I spent time reflecting on the past year. I mentioned last month that the start of school…
November 2011 Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Investing in Hope. That’s a phrase that has been in my mind for much of the last week. As I ponder the depth of these three words, I’ll share my thoughts. Word Made Flesh makes the audacious claim that we are investing in hope. Much of what WMF communities around the…
November 2011
Dear Friends and Family, Each morning after second period, C. meets me in the building where we run our after-school program, and we spend an hour working on basic reading, writing and math skills. Although C. is 11 years old and is just learning the alphabet, it doesn’t matter to me. We are seeing growth.…
A Reflection on the Epic Epoch Mission’s Gala
Over the last few months, we’ve been praying – quietly, fervently, patiently awaiting the Lord’s provision.
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. ” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Dear friends, after our emergency letter in August that we posted on this page, where we outlined our activities, progress, and new opportunities that others would call…
Contemplative Activism: A Model for Mission
Read a new article by Chris and Phileena Heuertz! Click here to view “No More Illusions – Contemplative Activism: A Model For Mission”
Oct. '11 Thada Prayer Letter
A friend recently told us, “What you have experienced is the Copernican revolution of parenthood. You now have a new center. Enjoy!” Revolution, it has been indeed. She recently completed her first month of life (which was less than two weeks after her due date). She has put on about 2 pounds since her birth.…
October 2011
Most of you know that we recently celebrated ten years serving in Bolivia. It seems only a short time ago that we boarded a plane in Kentucky and left behind our life in the States. Looking back we have so much to be grateful for. It has not been the easiest road to travel but we couldn’t imagine it any other way. The lessons we have learned and the life we have lived give testimony to God’s amazing grace. Many of you have walked with us from the start and for that we are extremely grateful.
A Community of the Broken Among the Broken: An Attempt at Participating in the Incarnation
by Christopher L. Heuertz One of the places where I often feel closest to God is in the children’s section of a graveyard in South India. We have buried ten of our friends there, all but one of them little girls, and each of them dear members of our family. They were victims of hunger,…
October Prayer Letter
October 2011 Nearly three years ago I decided to work with Word Made Flesh. My commitment to serve with the organization was out of a desire to work in a community that I believe in and to offer support to its community members. In so many ways, I have seen God bless me in the…