Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
October 2011 Prayer Letter
October 2011 Dear Friends, Happy New Year! Wait a minute, is it January already? No, of course it isn’t. But in a lot of ways the start of the school year is more of a new year for us than New Year’s itself. So, Happy New Year! The new school year has started. We have…
October 2011
Dear Friends and Family, I hope you are joining me in happily welcoming autumn this year. It is such a beautiful time of year, full of harvest’s bounty, cool weather, football games – if you live in America – and homemade pots of (vegetarian!) chili. We are enjoying the transition from 90 degree weather, slowly…
October 2011 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. ~I John 4:16 Dear Friends and Family, Thank you for the prayers and support in the last couple of months. Summer ended with a race to…
Director of Community Care Opportunity
Job Title: Director of Community Care Days/hours per week: 5 days/40 hours per week Employment Start Date: October 1st, 2011 (flexible) Placement: Omaha, Nebraska Salary: First year is fully funded while the Director of Community Care works to find sponsors and donors to fund the position. Given the reputation of WMF and a strong…
A Surprising God
It’s been four months since you read my last prayer letter. I am grateful for having you by my side in this ministry. As a family we went through quite a few trials these last few months. Our path seems to look different from what we thought it would look. Many of you know that…
September Prayer Letter
September 2011 So, here I am. I’ve been back from my field visit for about a month now. And I’m remembering with such fondness and gratitude my visit to Bolivia and Brazil. I feel deeply connected—more than ever—to the people I shared those two weeks with. I admire them greatly. My heart feels full.…
September 2011 Prayer Letter
September 2011 Dear Friends, I just have a few prayer requests this month. This is another of those “in between” times where I’m writing before camp, but you’ll get this letter after it has taken place. Camp reports will have to wait. During the first week of September a few of us male workers will…
september 2011
Dear Friends and Family, We’ve had a few people ask us this month to write more about what daily life is like for us in Moldova, so I thought I’d try to paint a picture of it for you in this letter. Rachel and I live in a studio apartment on the first floor of…
September 2011 Prayer Letter
September 2011 Hello! My days consist of ordinary things. Chances are, so do yours. Doing what we do day after day is exactly what makes our days “ordinary.” And you know what? That’s ok. Now, I understand we all define ordinary and extraordinary differently. You might say balancing multiple bank accounts, paying bills, and depositing…
September 2011
Greetings from Omaha! I wanted to take this opportunity to simply express my gratitude to each of you, my friends and family, who have accepted my letters and so richly welcomed my heart these last six months. Thank you so, so, so very much for all of your prayers and support. Your undying love and…