Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
hungry for love
Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, “God has identified himself with the hungry, the sick, the naked, the homeless; hunger, not only for bread, but for love, for care, to be somebody to someone; nakedness, not of clothing only, but nakedness of that compassion that very few people give to the unknown; homelessness, not only for a shelter made…
A lesson from our buddy Martin
A couple nights a week, we can expect a visit from our friend Martin, who regularly stops by the house and asks for something to eat. Since we’ve moved to La Paz, I’m further away from those with less and I’m honored to serve Martin a hot plate of food when he visits.
The Cry Vol 17 No 2 . 2
Can’t exhale if I don’t inhale By Cara Strauss Contreras It was getting married that wrecked my fragile ignorance. In general I had obeyed God without much resistance. Following God’s call to Bolivia. Trying to shape my life into sincere ministry among the poor. Obeying the hard command to stay with people in their pain…
The digtial collage is crafted by artist and WMF Peru community member Monica Ghali as her reflection on obedience. The background piece is from the series Miserere IV, by French painter and printmaker Georges Rouault. It is titled Obéissant jusqu’à la mort et à la mort de la croix / Obedient unto the death,…
The Cry Vol 17 No 2 .1
Apprenticing Obedience Esdrianne Cohen Something happened to me on the day of the children’s party (for children whose mothers participate in Projeto Ester). That day I had to run some errands and took a bus to arrive at the project. When I signaled for my stop and stepped off the bus, I fell and hit…
The Cry Vol 17 No 2 . 4
Disobedience By Rich Nichols As followers of Christ, we are told that we are not citizens of this world, but members of God’s Kingdom. The apostle Paul makes the distinction clear. “[The world] lives as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction” (Phil. 3:20). “But you are a chosen people … who…
The Cry Vol 17 No 2 . 5
Listening In By Liz Obedience comes from the Latin root word oboedire, which means “to listen.” In Word Made Flesh we commit to obedience; a listening for the voice of God. Obedience naturally follows Intimacy in the ladder of our Lifestyle Celebrations for it is because we know the sound of God’s voice that we…
The Cry Vol 17 No 2 . 6
From absurdity to obedience By Phileena Heuertz We live in an age when technology makes the realities of the remotest places on earth available to us. At any given time, through radio, television, internet and smart phones we are informed of the disparities, oppression and violence that plagues our planet. Certainly, in the West we…
Letter from the editor
Fire has set itself as a life theme for me these past few months. If you were kind enough to read my letter in our spring issue, you know that on Ash Wednesday I experienced a house fire (theological coincidence, no?). Well, I’ve never really quite thought about the way the seasons of Lent and…
August 2011
My Dearest Loved Ones, Several days ago I was talking with a new friend and counselor in the field of missionary care. We were discussing my complications with support raising and my role here at Word Made Flesh. During our conversation, I was encouraged while he shared an email with me which included this beautiful…