Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
March 2011
The beginning of each year is always full of promises and commitment. Like many people out there, I started this year with the desire to become closer and closer to God and to be more and more like Jesus. As a community we started this year with the promise to grow in our faith. We…
Apply for a fall 2011 Servant Team!
We are now accepting applications for our Fall 2011 Servant Teams! This fall the Servant Teams are going to our India, Moldova, Sierra Leone, Peru and Bolivia sites. Servant Teams are 4-month formation opportunities, which are offered in established WMF countries of service. Each Servant Team is comprised of 3 to 7 people who commit…
March 2011 Prayer Letter
March 2011 Dear friends and family, Thank you so much for your prayers for me over the past few months. Again, I am surprised at how quickly the time has past. It feels as though I was just writing an update to you, but then I realize that 4 months have passed. In many ways,…
Noah Tully's Prayer Letter FEB11
Dear Friend, I’m so happy to write a prayer letter again after a long time! It’s hard to imagine that I have spent over seven months being the acting field director since Cami began her sabbatical, even though she has been preparing me for the task. Taking the role of acting field director makes me…
Dan Henry's Prayer Letter FEB2011
February 15, 2011 Grace and Peace, By the time you recieve this letter I will have completed my first year of serving with Word Made Flesh in Sierra Leone. Since my arrival I’ve been busy leading the Light House program which is designed to disciple youth who have lived on the streets. For three months…
Feb. '11 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Living in community has been a new and unique challenge for us. It brings us both joy and at times sorrow. But it’s such a wonderful way to learn God’s mercy and grace. It’s similar, I think to family. Whereas we can choose our friends, community is like family in that…
Jan. '11 Thada Prayer Letter
(We sent this letter to all the supporters and friends of N. American staff working in Bolivia. Because this is a public blog, I have omitted pictures and names. If you would like more information, just e-mail me.) Dear friends, Every week we visit the dank, grimy streets of El Alto’s red light district and…
Dec. '10 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, This weekend, we had the great opportunity to hike the Choro, an Inca trail that descends from the peaks of the Andes down to the cloud-forest Yungas. We started with a friend from language school (and a Canadian stranger who quickly became a friend) at the mountain pass, 16,300 ft high.…
The growing light.
The days are getting longer here. I was thrilled to walk outside at 5:00PM yesterday to greet a still glowing sky beyond the barren trees. At the moment it’s quite late (and quite dark) so I will not write too much; only share some thoughts and a prayer from a recent journal entry: Dec. 31,…
February 2011 Prayer Letter
February 2011 Dear Friends, Since I only have a few minutes to write, this is going to be another short-letter month. I hope you don’t mind. It’s mid-January as I write and here in Galati it’s cold, dark, and gray. The excitement of Christmas has come and gone, but there is still a lot of…