Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
December Prayer Letter
December 2010 Merry Christmas! I cannot say how excited I am to be wishing you all a Merry Christmas! I’m actually writing this on November 15th. The first snow fell three days ago (which is good news for me since I guessed that it would snow before the 15th and my sister Heidi…
December Prayer Letter
1 December 2010 Happy Holidays Everyone! These last few weeks of the year can be so fun, full of simmering anticipation for the New Year. But as Phileena and I reflect back on 2010 we are grateful for your friendship, your prayers and the gifts you’ve made to help us continue our involvement in Word…
December Prayer Letter
1 December 2010 Happy Holidays Everyone! These last few weeks of the year can be so fun, full of simmering anticipation for the New Year. But as Phileena and I reflect back on 2010 we are grateful for your friendship, your prayers and the gifts you’ve made to help us continue our involvement in Word…
December 2010 Prayer Letter
Hello! December 2010 As I sat down to write this month’s update, the question dawned on me, how many of you actually know what I do, specifically, at Word Made Flesh? Hopefully I’ve made it clear by now that I am the staff accountant at WMF’s International office in Omaha, Nebraska, but many of…
December 2010 Prayer Letter
December 2010 Dear Friends, Merry Christmas! It’s always fun (and a little strange) for me to wish you a Merry Christmas so early. But you won’t receive another letter from me until after the New Year, so I guess I can be early. Usually, when I write my December letter we haven’t even started to…
God's miracle
Advent is a time of waiting for and receiving the greatest miracle – the miracle of the Incarnation, God taking on flesh – that moment in time that forever changed the course of history. It’s a time to look back, remember, and praise God in wonder. Looking back over year one in Moldova I see…
WMF Year End Appeal
Friends, I’m sending this out to all of you who have loved us so well over the years. Thank you. Thank you for believing in us, and thank you for standing with us. Sometimes I joke “it’s not bragging if it’s true,” and today with humility and confidence I can say that the…
The Cry Vol 16 No 4 . 1
Learning to Lament By Dan Henry “I’m so sorry to hear about Benita’s death.” Those words forced their way into my consciousness after I was awakened by a cell phone at 2 in the morning. After I groggily told my friend that Benita wasn’t dead, he gasped, apologized and hung up. I was left sitting…
The Cry Vol 16 No 4 . 2
Embracing suffering: Healing through acknowledging loss By Silas West Catherine Piwang is no stranger to suffering. She lost nine of her siblings to HIV/AIDS. After returning to Uganda after living in the U.S., she realized that an entire generation was missing because of HIV/AIDS. Catherine devoted her life to helping thousands of children and elderly…
The Cry Vol 16 No 4 . 4
Into the Shibboleth By Brian Langley “We should all see the world from the perspective of the victim, to know what it is like to see the world from down there.” Doris Salcedo Our world is replete with a power that drives us to create divisions with others — a destructive line that divides…