Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
The Cry Vol 16 No 2 . 2
A similar path I’m the kind of person who appreciates a good question, one that shakes the ideals upon which I stand, that inevitably leads me to more questions. Moving from rural Indiana to this densely populated Asian city, to a culture so very different from my own, has no doubt provided its fair share…
The Cry Vol 16 No 2 . 3
Choosing submission “The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” (Isa. 40:28b-29) Day in and day out, Tiara sits next to the rundown bus ticket booth…
Chris Heuertz’s new article "The New Ecumenism"
Read Chris’ article, “The New Ecumenism: Becoming the Living Body of Christ,” from Immerse.
november 2010
“Surely all my wandering finds its end in you” (Mike Mason, from “The Lover’s Hermitage,” The Mystery of Marriage, p. 220). Dear Friends and Family, I have felt a bit like a wanderer over the past four and a half years. I finished graduate school in 2006 and moved out of my Nashville apartment into…
October 2010
Dear Friends and Family, Sitting on the steps of the orphanage school building, with Skip-Bo cards and watercolors scattered everyone, I was suddenly reminded of why I am here. At one point there were no less than 50 children painting, jumping rope, playing board games and kicking a soccer ball all within the vicinity of…
Tiny dancer
Most of the time we spend in relationship is during the late-night hours on the crowded streets of Bangkok’s notorious red-light district. The district employs more than 6,000 women a night for prostitution. The streets are filled with loud music coming from busy bars, drunken men stumbling around and street vendors selling food. One night…
A dead dog like me
It is in those times when I read the Bible as a story that I find the most surprises. Reading in 2 Samuel recently, I came across the story of Mephibosheth. The story wasn’t new to me. I had heard at least one sermon about this boy, and he was mentioned in books I had…
The Cry Vol 16 No 3 . 1
Seasons of Redepmtion Seasons in Sierra Leone are different from the familiar four we were accustomed to in Nebraska. Here we experience two basic seasons: a rainless sultry heat, stretching from November to April, followed by a wet blast of monsoon-like rains from June to September. During the extended dry season, it is difficult to…
Healed by the broken
To me, brokenness looks like this: a young girl, tricked into a life of slavery and prostitution, cut off from her family, losing hope each day, with each client she is forced to receive. And to me, liberation looks like this: the same girl, rescued by an organization dedicated to justice, her captors prosecuted, the…
Attentive to brokenness
I have now been living and sharing life with the WMF Buenos Aires community for two years. Living in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new culture for the first time have a way of stripping away the illusion that I am in control and the false security of a…