February 2011 Prayer Letter

February 2011

Dear Friends,

Since I only have a few minutes to write, this is going to be another short-letter month.  I hope you don’t mind.  It’s mid-January as I write and here in Galati it’s cold, dark, and gray.  The excitement of Christmas has come and gone, but there is still a lot of winter left to go.  Something in me just wants to crawl into my den and hibernate until Easter.  Instead, I’m trying to enjoy the slightly slower pace of life that winter affords.  I like being the only one awake in our house early in the morning, sitting quietly with my Bible and a cup of coffee while it’s still dark outside.  It seems like this time spent in the dark and the cold every year makes me appreciate the light and the warmth when it returns.

Life at the day center is going well.  I’m amazed that nearly all of the new children we received last September are still going strong.  In fact, other than the two that stopped coming after the first week, everyone is doing well, attending regularly and building relationships.  Thank you for your prayers.

In years past I used to ask you all to contact me once in a while to let me know that you still wanted to receive my letters.  I’ve whittled my list down enough that I don’t think that’s necessary any more (I’m fairly certain that all of you still receiving my letters actually want to keep receiving them), but I will leave you with a request:  Please write every once in a while.  You don’t have to send monthly updates or anything, but I would like to hear what’s happening in your lives (twice a year at least? yearly?).  Not only does my keeping up to date help me to pray for you (yes, I do still pray for you all), but I also care about you.  All of you are my friends and family.  I really do want to stay connected over the many miles and years that sometimes separate us, at least as much as it’s possible to do so.  I would even consider reopening my facebook account if that will help.  (Imagine your favorite smiley or big-eyed face here)


Paul and Ana