February Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,                                              

Even as we write this letter, we can hardly believe that our one year anniversary in Buenos Aires is nearly upon us.  In some ways, we feel like we just arrived, and in others, that it was a lifetime ago.  This year is difficult for us to encapsulate.  It has been one of unyielding challenges and intense spiritual battle.  We have experienced the  exhilaration and peace of witnessing Christ's presence hidden among the precious youth of the streets, and we have tasted despair in the trenches of culture shock, pervasive loneliness, and even fear for the life of our child.

One recent encounter with a friend from the streets better illustrates our experience this past year than our words can:  Little Jorge, just 8 years old, and Jeremiah have formed a steadfast bond during our months in Buenos Aires.  Over numerous afternoons of wrestling and playing aggressive little boy games, the wild-but, at the same time, peculiarly reticent-boy has become an inseparable sidekick to Jeremiah during his visits to the train station where Jorge spends his days.  On a recent afternoon visit, Jorge spied Jeremiah from across the train station and, as usual, ran headlong toward him.  Jeremiah swooped him up in his arms and wrapped him in a bear hug.  Expecting to release him after a prolonged hug, Jeremiah was surprised when Jorge laid his head down on his shoulder and, clinging to him, began to stroke Jeremiah's other shoulder gently.  The two remained this way for a long time, relishing being in one another's company.  Jorge's obvious love for and trust in Jeremiah overwhelmed him, and he was reluctant to release him, but after a significant time he gently put him down and told him he had to leave.  Immediately, Jorge's countenance transformed, and he became angry and combative-striking Jeremiah repeatedly in the chest with his fists, not causing any harm to Jeremiah, but breaking his heart nonetheless. So great was the pain and confusion of his life, that he found himself lashing out against the very one whom he had learned he could trust.   Fear that he would be abandoned compelled him to hurt before he could be hurt again.

Besides being touched to the core of our compassion by this young child's obviously tormented existence, we also see within a picture of our interactions with Christ this past year.  There have been numerous moments, days, weeks and months, where we have buried our heads in his chest, trusting deeply in his love for us-believing that he would accompany us on this journey even when our son was sick, our house was falling apart (quite literally…the walls even flood), we felt desperate for relationship, or our things were stolen.  Other times, we found ourselves pushing away from the very one who loves us so much, striking his chest even, when He did not orchestrate things according to our desires.  Fearing that he would abandon us, we would find ourselves vying for control of our lives, only to be swept up again in his bear hug where we wrestled until we quieted into His embrace once more.  Our prayer for this next year  is that we would spend an ever-increasing amount of time resting in His arms as we move forward in fulfilling His calling on our lives to the youth of the streets.

As we reflect on this year, we are humbled by all of you who have journeyed with us through prayer, encouragement and financial support.   You have been God's tenderness toward us, and we love you.

Grace and Peace,

Jeremiah and Jennifer Dean