Read Our February Newsletter- WMF Thailand

Hello friends from around the world,

It’s February, and if you live in Bangkok, the color red can be seen all over the city! Red lanterns hung for Chinese New Year. Our spirits are high because the temperature in Thailand dropped this week, I wish I could say our cheeks and noses were also red from the cold, but, let’s be real, we live in Thailand! But the drop in temperature did have us putting on layers as some days dropped into the high 70’s and low 80’s (fahrenheit).

Last week Christians from around the globe acknowledged the beginning of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. Lent is big deal, for religious and non religious people. Apparently outside of Christmas, more people show up to church on Ash Wednesday than any other day of the year – including Easter.

So as we “give up things” this season for lent let’s remember the words of Mother Theresa who said, “A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service,the fruit of service is peace.”

All the best,
Tim Hupe
CLF Co-Founder and Director

I was going to ask some students to draw me a picture of love for the newsletter (yes, I’m that person who forces the fun), but I came to the school one day to find that a few had already painted LOVE and letters to each other during free time. Life here can overwhelm, but these students are a breath of fresh air every day, focused on loving each other, giving gifts to each other (handing me a flower when I’m headed out the door) and creating art for fun. I’m grateful for them and their presence in my life. Constance Dykhuizen, CLF volunteer

A note on our scholarship program 

Our scholarship program LOVES on our students by providing the following:

L— Learning and education
O— Open windows of opportunity for each student to live into their full potential
V— Valuable mentoring and coaching
E— Experience in different fields of study, interests, and extracurriculars
S— Safe holistic environment in which to grow
The students in our various scholarship programs come from different backgrounds, different cultures, different circumstances, yet they all have this in common: the will to learn, to rise above the low expectations society has placed on them, to thrive in new environments. Some who have heard they were unable to learn are now reading chapter books and fixing appliances. Some are studying for intense international exams at the moment so that they can pursue a college education. Some are already receiving the education, but are only capable of doing so with the aid of a scholarship program.
We are so honored to watch and participate in the growth of our students and the obstacles they overcome through perseverance.

Written by Jodi VanGorkom – Servant Team coordinator, occasional tutor with the scholarship program and fitness inspiration to us all