Langley family May update letter


Dear loved ones,

Greetings from Lima, Peru!  We pray that you all are well, enjoying the presence of our God in your lives.  We pray also for those of you who are struggling, or facing a demanding trial of any kind, that God would give you strength for the journey, faith to support your souls, and that you would be surrounded by the caring presence of others.  Please let us know how things are going with you, because we believe that God is doing a mutual work in all of us through our relationship.  We earnestly ask God how we might be of support of some kind to each and every one you, even as you are faithfully supporting us in ministry.

As most of you know, we made the decision earlier this year to return to the Peruvian school system, so both Isa and Tali are attending a school run by YMCA Peru.  We have been very impressed with the school so far; the girl’s teachers are really excellent and well prepared.  Our morning routine has changed a bit because of this choice.  A little more rushed, and some days Tali needs a special push to get all her things ready.  Isa is on the ball preparing her own breakfast, lunch, and preparing her backpack.  This new schedule has also meant that our family has less time together.  First the morning rush, then in the afternoon both girls have after school activities.   Each that starts and ends at different times!  We decided together that Isa was going to drop from five days of gymnastics down to three in part so that we can have a couple more evenings together.  As their parents, we have to be very disciplined to continue finding those teachable moments throughout the day, as well as making special times where our family can be together.  We have been doing family bike rides around the neighborhood on the weekend.  We must be quite a sight.  Rachel rides a bike, and Tali sits on the grill behind the seat on a towel (so her bum doesn’t get sore).  Isa rides her own bike, and Brian holds JJ White’s leash and runs beside them.  Yes, we do get some interesting looks.  The girls really enjoy that activity, and so do we.  Please continue to pray for our family rhythms and as mentioned discern those teachable moments in each day when we can dialogue with the girls about their lives, and teach them faithfully about God’s Word and the faith that guides our lives.







We continue to move forward with plans for sabbatical, tentatively to start in July of this year.  There are lots of logistical considerations that need to be made.  Please pray for us in this process as we work with our Sabbatical planning team on this.

Like an old friend used to say to us, “Don’t be a stranger!”  Write us, let us know how you are doing.

Thank you once again for your prayers, your support, and your friendship.


May God richly bless you.

The Langleys