WMF – Moldova

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Along with many other powerful Bible verses, the one quoted above has been very inspirational for me in terms of deciding to say Yes to going to Moldova this year. May the 30th, 2009 was the day I came to the end of a struggle that had lasted for more than six months.

Wrestling with God about going to Moldova was a long and difficult process for me and the decision I was supposed to make wasn’t easy in any way. All I knew was that I had left a part of my heart in Moldova in October, 2008 when I first visited this country. But I needed the clear confirmation that the Lord wanted me there. I needed the peace that only He could bring to my heart filled with contradictory feelings of fear, doubt and the desire to go. At times, to just say Yes, Lord! was scary as it meant leaving my comfort zone and letting go of my family, precious friends, dear church I grew up in, children at the WMF Galati center, the other WM F workers and of many other things I could write and fill many pages here.

On June 1st I was expected to pass my decision to the team. As the day was coming, I pressed on and asked God for a clear answer. I didn’t want to make this decision myself. And one morning, His comforting and encouraging voice spoke to my heart, assuring me that He was the one sending me, granting me that He would be with me every step of the way, that He would strengthen me. An overwhelming peace flooded my heart and I knew that in deciding to go I could finally rest. I was safe in God’s palm. I was safe in letting go.

I’m writing this letter in a time when everything means transition to me. In four months from now I won’t be in Galati, I won’t be surrounded by the children who come to this center, by my dear friends who serve here and I won’t worship God in my church. All these thoughts are somehow hard for my mind to absorb and accept. I covet your prayers during these four months.

I will start my work in Moldova with a three year contract which seems like a very long time right now especially because everything will be new and most likely difficult. Again – transition. I trust that God will help me through these three years.

I’m happy to still be able to write about how the work here, in Galati is going. I want to share the joy that we experienced during the one week summer camp we had from August 31st to September 6th in Lepsa. It was a truly beautiful and blessed week with unexpected beautiful autumn weather. The kids enjoyed the mountain views, the clean air, playing football, basketball, volleyball, riding horses and bikes, doing art, putting up skits and also worshipping and studying the Bible. The younger kids learned about Moses and how he delivered the nation of Israel out of Egypt while the older ones studied The Ten Commandments. Pray with us that the seeds that were planted in their hearts will bear fruit.

I’m closing with a few specific prayer requests for the children from WMF Romania:

o Four of our students started their first year in high school in September. We pray that:

o they will make friends at the new schools and find their place there;

o they will be motivated to study; high school subjects in Romania tend to be quite difficult;

o they will win the battle against the temptations that come along with the adolescent age;

o Word Made Flesh Romania is looking for a licensed social worker; pray that we will find a person who shares a passion for God and for His wounded children;

o Moldova Team

o pray that the Lord will fill the valleys and bring low the mountains on our way to Moldova in terms of logistics and required visas;

o pray that the Lord will go before us;

o pray for unity within our newly formed team.

One of the specific needs of God’s servants is finances and one of the most difficult things a servant has to do is to communicate this need. The world we live in today is more and more focused on gaining more and sharing less. I find myself in a context where asking for money seems rather ridiculous. I live in a country where most people struggle to keep a job in order to be able to pay the bills that seem to show bigger numbers every month. Yet the Jesus says in Matthew 10 that those who work deserve to be fed and not only that. He tells me that the needed resources should be the last thing on my mind for He has already prepared the hearts of the people who can give. I am convinced that His heart for Moldova is not about Magda going there; it’s about Magda together with her church, Magda together with the body of Christ, Magda together with an army of warriors for our God.

Encouraged by the love and support I receive from Him and from you, I am now extending the request that you go with me to Moldova through the money you can offer, the prayers you can pray, the loving arms you will commission me with. I will write more about the specific numbers and details. Thank you for your willingness to partake in this ministry. Thank you for already meeting my needs by reading this letter…

In Christ, with gratitude,

Magda Clopoţel

