Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
The Cry Vol 16 No 3 . 2
Brokenness as a bridge By Adam Recently my wife and I had one of those horrible, no-good, very bad days that married couples run into from time to time. Context says it was probably the fact that we were trying to make our home in a strange new world, one low in oxygen and high…
Letter from the Editor
This morning, I poured a cup of coffee and ascended the stairs to the Advocacy annex. I’m finally sitting down with the intention of writing this letter. Wouldn’t you know it? Microsoft Word will not open. Or rather, it “opens” but it can’t be summoned from the abyss. It seems my Mac and Microsoft Office…
November 2010 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, If you’ve read all of my letters for the past year or so then you’re probably tired of hearing about transition. I know I’m tired of writing about it! But more changes are coming our way and I want to let you know about them so you can pray. We have known for…
November 2010 Prayer Letter
Hello! Thinking about what to write, I can’t help but feel thankful for having the opportunity to write to you. If not for your prayer and financial support, I would not be in a position to invite you to join what God is doing among some of the most vulnerable of the world’s poor…
drawing close
November 2010 During these busy autumn months I am challenged to pay close attention to how I spend my time. Reading through some of my early prayer letters I came across some great insights that are fresh for me as I continue to press into this new start in Moldova. Drawing Close July 1,2002 I…
A GRATIDÃO DO CRISTÃO ! Texto: Sl 116 (12)
Num mundo de catástrofes e desespero o povo que canta e trabalha com empenho pelo evangelho deve ter razões fortes para assim agir. Aí estão, palpáveis e nítidas as palavras da Bíblia que proporcionam ao justo a tranquilidade completa. I. POR SERMOS DA FAMÍLIA DE DEUS 1. Fomos feitos filhos de Deus, Jo 1.12b 2.…
November 2010: prayer sustains me in transition
November 1, 2010 I’ve been going through a lot of transitions in my life- becoming a wife and an in-law for starters! A friend of mine in Omaha passed away suddenly this summer and another very close friend moved to NYC. I’ve also started teaching modern dance at a local high school one morning…
September 2010 : Servant Song
October 1, 2010 Hello! Just this morning I could hear through our office window the sound of the Omaha wind moving the trees across the street, signaling the start of another blustery fall here on the prairie. Yay! With fall comes our wedding! Calvin and I are in the last week of preparations for…
July 2010 : On Companionship
July 1, 2010 On companionship Dear friends, Today as I sit down to type you a letter I feel full of things to share with you. I have a million little tid-bits to say and if I could pick out a theme of all these bits it would be companionship. Companionship means “friendship, accompaniment,…
May 2010 : Wild Geese
May 1, 2010 Thursday is our weekly staff meeting here at 1013 Leavenworth St. We stand in the small kitchen by the sink and make our coffee. Chris likes his black as molasses. I have half a cup of water and half a cup of coffee. Jara, Hilary, Phileena, and Marcia have switched to…