Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Picking up the pieces
I was house-sitting for my friend Jose while he was out of town. I accidentally knocked over an ornate clock he had received as a gift. It hit the hardwood floor and broke into dozens of pieces. My friend is quite handy and tried to glue the clock back together after determining where each piece…
The Cry Vol 15 No 4 . 1
The servant nature of God By David Chronic Early in my Christian walk, Jesus’ words, “Go and sell what you have, give to the poor, and then come follow Me,” challenged me to simplify my life in order to serve God. I didn’t hear these words as a harsh, top-down command; rather, I saw how…
The pain of staying and of leaving: A reflection on grieving loss
My son has Asperger’s syndrome, a highly functioning form of autism, which, among other challenges, causes him to see the world in black and white with little room for ambiguities. His questions about life can be poorly timed and somewhat awkward, but they are also piercing and get right to the heart of whatever issue…
The Cry Vol 15 No 4 . 4
Preparing the way of the Lord — As a servant of hope By David Bayne “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” (Isaiah 40:3) The seasons of the church year have become significant in my rhythm of life, community and mission. I especially…
Here is your mother
By Calvin Smothers In Nepal everyone is related to you. You are not greeted by your name alone but also by a person’s relationship to you. You are called sister, brother, uncle, auntie, mother or father. To the elderly ladies at Prem Ghar, I am Calvin Bhai (“younger brother”). To the young girls at Karuna…
God brought me
They say my grandfather was a terrible man. He was a greedy hacienda owner, and all the villagers in our town hated him. Once, when I was young, my dad stumbled into the house bloody and nearly dead. The villagers had thrown him into the river, simply because they hated my grandfather. After that, my…
Letter from the [Acting] Editor
Our design mastermind and Advocacy Coordintor, Jara, married her beloved Kenley in October. It was so fun to celebrate such a dear friend’s movement into the next phase of her life. But, our office, where the reception was held, was a mess at the end of night. Several of the wedding guests came up and…
A Place for Mary and Joseph: Year End Appeal
A Place for Mary and Joseph Last Christmas, staff from the Word Made Flesh children’s home in Chennai, India, found a young brother and sister living on a train platform. They had lost their home in a slum fire, and now they were left begging, neglected and slowly starving to death. Once safe in the…
Advent; Week 2
Verses: Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 1:68-79 Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6 Theme: God arrives in places of poverty in our lives. Prayer: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.’ (NASB) ‘you’re blessed when you’ve lost it all. God’s kingdom is there for the finding…” (The Message) “The gospels…
December '09 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Our spirits have been lifted up by the change of weather, which has meant more sunshine and less rain in Michigan. We are still enjoying the breezes of fall and are amazed at how quickly the Christmas decorations came in the stores. It reminds us of the approaching winter and the…