Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you? Lamentations 2:13 Our wounds are deep, as deep as the sea. They cut through my own heart. I see them everywhere in this city that I live in. You must have them too. Who can heal us? In…
December 2008
Dear Friends & Family, As I sit to write this letter I truly am filled with an incredible sense of gratitude. I know that perhaps it seems as though this is proper thing to write, especially in a letter intended to detail our support needs, these words can seem hollow or just the traditional way…
November Prayer Letter
15 November 2008 Dear Friends, Monday of this week Chris and I had the privilege of meeting 80 year old Jean Vanier-founder of the L'Arche. In the 1950's after young Vanier left the British Navy, he slowly found his way into friendship with two men, Philippe and Raphael. Philippe and Raphael had lived in…
Beggars Society: November 9: Submission, Monica and Joel Klepac
April Folkertsma – Nov. 1, 2008
Dear Friends: Lately I’ve been thinking about and praying more than usual for the young ladies who come to our center. Many of them have been on my heart and I’d like to share a bit about a couple of them. (I’m changing their names for confidentiality reasons). Maria has been coming to the center…
November 2008 Prayer Letter
November 2008Beloved Family and Friends, This September, Walter and I celebrated 10 years of life overseas!!! When we stepped off the plane and into…
November Prayer Letter
October 15, 2008 Sweet Family & Friends, By the time you receive this letter our South America Regional Retreat will have passed, we'll have voted in a major election and I will be packing my bags to come spend a couple of weeks in the great mid-west. I first of all want to thank you…
November 2008
November 2008 Dear Friends and Family, Recently one of the teenagers who frequents the Valley House here in Galaţi was talking to one of our staff workers, Ana. He was smiling an unusual amount that day, so Ana asked him how he was feeling. He said, "Happy," and then upon being asked why,…
Dear Friends & Family, Thanksgiving is coming soon and I know that you are all busy planning your celebrations and get-togethers. While we always miss being there with you, we will be helping to put on a big Thanksgiving dinner for some of our American friends here in Rio. One tradition that we began…
Dear friends, It's a beautiful autumn day here in Galati, the bright sun warming the chilly morning air. At our Community Center in “the valley” we greet over thirty children each day, but I have the privilege of working with a group of five who aren't children anymore – they're young adults. This month I'd…