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WMF Bolivia collaborates with locally run organizations serving those vulnerable to poverty and exploitation.

Ariel Alexander, the Latin America Regional Coordinator for Word Made Flesh, facilitates opportunities for interns and volunteers to serve with local partners who respond to both educational vulnerabilities and sexual exploitation through economic opportunities. If you are interested in applying for internships in Bolivia or Latin America, you can Apply Here.


Bolivia Blog

By WMF Bolivia | December 1, 2004

  “For the Kingdom of God is like the owner of an estate who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard” Matthew 20:1 Dear Friends, We pray that this letter finds you well. As many of you notice the temperatures begin to fall in the Northern Hemisphere, we are enjoying some…

November 2004

By WMF Bolivia | November 1, 2004

Please pray specifically for Diana, Lydia, Amelia and Janet and who have given their lives to the Lord and for the countless others who have yet to experience His Grace.

October 2004

By WMF Bolivia | October 1, 2004

La Casa de Esperanza
“I come, because I feel love here.” – Sara