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WMF Bolivia collaborates with locally run organizations serving those vulnerable to poverty and exploitation.

Ariel Alexander, the Latin America Regional Coordinator for Word Made Flesh, facilitates opportunities for interns and volunteers to serve with local partners who respond to both educational vulnerabilities and sexual exploitation through economic opportunities. If you are interested in applying for internships in Bolivia or Latin America, you can Apply Here.


Bolivia Blog

February 2004

By WMF Bolivia | February 1, 2004

October was a turbulent time in Bolivia. Basically, a class war over the sale of Bolivia’s natural gas to the U.S. and Mexico led to nationwide blockades, riots and protests. In an attempt to regain control, the government militarized El Alto and eventually began open fire on unarmed, campesinos. Our friend, Marleni, told us of a bullet entering her house through the roof, fired from helicopters above, while she was at home alone with her children. In the end, President Gonzalo Sanchez resigned from office, and Vice President Carlos Mesa, stepped in. Since then, Bolivia has returned to normal, though not forgetting the nearly 100 lives lost in the Gas War. Our family, staff and Servant Team waited out the chaos safely in a small jungle town.

By WMF Bolivia | February 1, 2004

Dear Friends, It's been quite some time since we've written through “snail-mail.” E-mail is such an easy way to keep up with many of you. But we understand that some of you miss hearing from us in a more tangible way, so we'll try and highlight a bit of our lives and ministry in Bolivia.…

September 2003

By WMF Bolivia | September 1, 2003

Dearest Friends and Family, Forgive us for not writing sooner.  It seems more and more time passes between each update.  But let us reassure you, life in Bolivia is good!  As ministry progresses and our relationships deepen, we are more and more fulfilled here.  Actually, Aug. 2 marked two years here, and we’ve decided to…