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WMF Bolivia collaborates with locally run organizations serving those vulnerable to poverty and exploitation.

Ariel Alexander, the Latin America Regional Coordinator for Word Made Flesh, facilitates opportunities for interns and volunteers to serve with local partners who respond to both educational vulnerabilities and sexual exploitation through economic opportunities. If you are interested in applying for internships in Bolivia or Latin America, you can Apply Here.


Bolivia Blog

May 2002

By WMF Bolivia | May 1, 2002

Well after months of research and prayer, we have finally decided on our ministry focus: sexually exploited women and children. It is estimated that 800-2,000 girls are currently working in El Alto, where we live. Sixty percent are believed to be underage. However, we have not found a single group, church, or mission agency working with this population.

Lessons I’m Learning…

By WMF Bolivia | April 1, 2002

As the North American standing behind the 20-gallon pot, I vividly see a representation of the injustice of our world. Why am I not standing on the other side?

April 2002

By WMF Bolivia | April 1, 2002

The Baker’s have taken the plunge…into probably the greatest adventure of all! Yep, we’re expecting our first addition to the family!!!