Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

Greeting and Lenten Reflection

March 30, 2017

The Following reflection was recently shared with our Word Made Flesh staff around the world. We thought we’d share it further by posting it here on the WMF blog. We pray it proves meaningful for you. Greetings, all. During this season of Lent, I hope that in the midst of all that you are carrying…


All Things Beautiful

March 29, 2017

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. “(Ecclesiastes 3:11-12) It’s spring and nature is coming to…

Women, Rwanda

The Start of Something New

March 20, 2017

We are excited about what God is doing here in Kigali, Rwanda. We’ve been working with vulnerable women in one of the communities here now for a year. The first several months seemed pretty rocky at times. The group began with 20 women starting a savings and credit group, but it took some time for…

WMF Peru

New Adventures And Old Themes

March 8, 2017

Greetings from Lima Peru! It is my sincere hope to encourage you with this update on the happenings in Word Made Flesh Peru in 2016, and our plans for 2017. As it happened, 2016 was fraught with many challenges, and yet, I still see God showing His care and provision for the ministry at every…


Planting Roots Takes Courage

February 6, 2017

I try to begin each day with the morning prayer from Common Prayer. This liturgy has become a vital part of my daily rhythms over the last year, offering peace to my morning and a solid foundation for my day. This prayer from a few months ago was, amazingly enough, the prayer on my one…

With Love

With Love

January 18, 2017

Dear friends, As most of you know, I have worked with Word Made Flesh for twelve years: six years in Romania and another six in Moldova. It’s amazing how time flies and as I look back I realize how wonderfully God has cared for all my needs over the years. He picked me up when I…

Christmas With Word Made Flesh Romania

January 4, 2017

Here’s a video showing some of the activities we did with the kids at the center during Christmas! It was filled with laughter, caroling, games, meals together, and joy. I hope yours was the same! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!  


You’re The One We’re Looking For

January 3, 2017

“You’re the One We’re Looking For” In the red-light district a block from our ministry center, there are 500 beds.  As we do every Christmas, we enter each of the fourteen brothels there donning Santa Claus hats and proclaiming the gospel through Christmas carols. The administrators were, as always, remarkably accepting; some even genuinely enjoying the cheerful…


A Christmas Letter From Word Made Flesh

December 21, 2016

Dear friends, Merry Christmas! Below is our Word Made Flesh Christmas letter. 🙂 We have sent the included letter out hard-copy as well as electronically. However, we only have electronic addresses for some of you. If this is you, we would love for you to drop us a reply with your physical address. Thanks! 🙂 Our Christmas…

Analise's Story

Analise’s Story

December 20, 2016

Although she visited our ministry center years ago, she wasn’t quite ready for change. But when she hit rock bottom, she knew where to turn for help. Desperate, suicidal and scared, she came begging for help to pay for university studies. “I’ll do everything I can to study hard!” She sought out therapy, and began…