Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
February 1998 Prayer Letter
February 24, 1998 Dear Friends and Family, This month we want to show you in a small way some of the fruit of your partnership in ministry for and among the poor. Over the years you have carried Chris and me through your prayers and sacrifices. We are grateful for your investment…
January 1998 Prayer Letter
January 16, 1998 Dear Friends of the Poor, As the new year already begins to slip away we want to remind you to look for God's grace in the “hidden places“. Don't let 1998 pass you by, but allow this to be the year the Lord really has your undivided attention. …
December 1997 Prayer Letter
December 15, 1997 Dear Loved Ones, Christmas greetings to you in the name of Christ our King! Phileena and I have just returned from our most recent trip to India. Our time there was as joyful as it was sad. During our last week in Madras a little girl was…
May 1997 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, May 8, 1997 We took this picture in March when we were with the children. Look at it very closely. Can you identify the 6 children who were diagnosed HIV+? Can you find the 9 children who have a father or mother with Leprosy? Can you find the 8 children who came to…
May 1997 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, May 8, 1997 We took this picture in March when we were with the children. Look at it very closely. Can you identify the 6 children who were diagnosed HIV+? Can you find the 9 children who have a father or mother with Leprosy? Can you find the 8 children who came…
March 1997 Prayer Letter
March 31, 1997 Dear Friends, We've been back for 2 weeks now. This last trip to India was extremely fruitful and we really saw God work in some tremendous ways. But since I've been back, the Lord has continued working on me. I'd like to share a letter with you. It…
January 1997 Prayer Letter
January 31, 1997 Dear WMF Family, Enclosed you'll find a photo of Solaima (Solai for short). Solai (pronounced “Solay”) was one of the first three children to join our first WMF children's home. We found her living in a slum built over an open sewer. When she was just an infant, her…
December 1996 Prayer Letter
December 16, 1996 Dear Friends & Family, Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus! Chris and I are looking forward to celebrating our first Christmas together as a family. Because of Christ, we truly have much to celebrate. Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who …
October 1996 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family, Let me begin by apologizing for a form letter. I wish I had the time to write you personally. I very carefully hand-picked the individuals who are getting this letter- this letter is sent to those who have proven themselves through their sacrifice. You have been an encouragement…
September 1996 Prayer Letter
September 19, 1996 Dear Friends of the Poor, I'm writing this on behalf on children you may never meet. In a sense, I'm begging so they won't have to. The reality for many in India today is a stark injustice called poverty, we labor to lift the oppressed from this heavy yoke.…