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Word Made Flesh Malawi exists to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ by engaging in works of mercy and justice alongside people experiencing extreme poverty.

Word Made Flesh Malawi is in partnership with Circle of Hope International, a faith-based community development organization. We have partnered with the Grace Alliance Church, a group of Malawians determined to transform their community from the ravages of poverty and through that transformation to impact the country of Malawi and the world. The center we are building together is called the Grace Center.


Learn about our staff & support financially.

Read the latest news and notes from the field.

Mission Statement

To empower community transformation through holistic service; focusing on education, economic development and comprehensive health care programs.



Our staff works in health, education and economic development. These pursuits make space for a wide range of activities, from a child sponsorship program, to school programs, to a maternity center and more.

How You Can Help

Give: Commit to supporting WMF Malawi financially by giving monthly! You can donate here.

Partner: Talk about us! Get involved simply by sharing the work of Word Made Flesh Malawi and talking to your church, small group, friends, and family and asking others to come alongside us in our work.

Pray: Commit to praying for us and those we are working with once a month, once a week, or daily.

Join: Do you feel God calling you to Malawi? Do you have a heart for living and serving among vulnerable communities? Check out our job openings or send an email to to find out how you can journey with us!


Malawi Blog

Courage in Following God’s Will by Benjamin Grimm

By WMF Papua New Guinea | July 22, 2024

Courage in Following God’s Will by Benjamin Grimm   Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want He makes me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside still waters He restores my soul He leads me in paths of righteousness: for his namesake Even though I walk through the valley…

Submitted to His Will by Christian Alafia Cole

By WMF Sierra Leone | July 22, 2024

Submitted to His Will by Christian Alafia Cole My friend told me a story a while ago about a man who was tasked with demolishing a strong wall. The man spent months with a heavy hammer, hitting the wall as many times as he could, to bring the wall down, and eventually, succeeded. I wondered what…

Lessons in Submission: How Submission Guided My Mentorship with Mabinty by Ansumana Bangura

By WMF Sierra Leone | July 22, 2024

Lessons in Submission: How Submission Guided My Mentorship with Mabinty by Ansumana Bangura In September 2014, during our routine Thursday outreach in our community of Kroo Bay, I met a woman named Mummy Hawa. She told me about her financial challenges living in Kroo Bay as well as the challenges experienced by her youngest daughter,…