Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
At the table
This summer I (Rachel) finished reading the Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, a delightful work in every way. One simple account of a meal with the race of elves caused me to stop and ponder: “Such loveliness in living thing Frodo had never seen before nor imagined in his mind: and he…
Hope In Peru
What has two ears, a corkscrew tail and a snout? Give up? The answer is hope. We know, you’re probably thinking, “That sounds more like the description of a pig than hope,” and you’re right. But stay with us for a moment. What we’re actually talking about are the plastic piggy banks that we handed…
Love Changes Everything
Love—real, miraculous, deep-rooted, pain-bearing, life-affirming love—changes everything. Nearly two years ago, I sat with a group of fellow college students in a tin-roofed classroom in Kigali and listened to two Rwandans share their memories of the 1994 genocide. Immanuel was 24 and a Hutu at the time of the genocide. He told us of being…
Summer Prayer Letter -Chennai, India
[gview file=”https://wordmadeflesh.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Prayer-letter-Chennai-WMF-July-August-2015.pdf”]
Meet Our New Executive Director
Dear Friends, I am writing today with the honor of having been named Executive Director of Word Made Flesh (WMF). It is with a full heart that I note my deep thankfulness of being commissioned by Word Made Flesh’s board of directors to step into this role. Knowing that the board consulted with WMF Regional Coordinators, Field Directors…
5 Things We Love About Moldova
When someone thinks of France, the imagination runs wild; at least mine does! I like to picture myself sitting under the Eiffel tower, sipping cappuccinos at a cute little cafe, while the smell of freshly baked bread fills the air and maybe a skinny man with a long waxed mustache and a striped shirt rides his bicycle through the cobblestone…
Faith that Humbles
As a business intern here at Word Made Flesh Bolivia (WMFB) I am finding that I am constantly in a state of grace. As a result, I find that the more I think I am giving, the more I am actually receiving, learning, and growing. Here at Word Made Flesh Bolivia, I work with SutiSana. SutiSana is a holistic…
The Last Bell – Summer Camp with WMF Moldova
by Rachel Simons Dyachenko The last bell rings and all rush into the warming sun as children of WMF Moldova lay aside heavy backpacks for three months of summer freedom. For the little ones, a year of hard work in reading and math skills is finally rewarded with long days of running free. For the 9th…
Treasures in Heaven
by Violeta Moraru I am blessed that you stand with me in prayer for our ministry. I am thankful to the Lord for His care and guidance during these months since my last letter. I would like to share with you about what we have been up to and about the needs of the children…