Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Langley family November 2010 update letter
November 2010 Dear family and friends, Warm greetings to all of you in Jesus’ name. We really hope that this letter finds you well and trusting in God. This past month was of course very special for us, celebrating 10 years of service in Peru as a family and recently also celebrating WMF Peru’s…
Langley family October 2010 update letter
October 2010 Dear family and friends, Very warm greetings to all of you in Jesus’ name. Spring has arrived to Lima, which means the jasmine & honeysuckle vines are beginning to release their fragrance early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It also means the sun is starting to come out! For…
Langley family September 2010 update letter
September 2010 Dear family and friends, Very warm greetings to all of you in Jesus’ name. We arrived back in Lima on August 4th without any major incidents or problems and we are thankful for that. We were even greeted with a couple days of sun, which is pretty rare for August in Lima. …
Langley family July 2010 update letter
July 2010 Dear family and friends, Greetings to all of you in Jesus’ name. Thank you in advance for taking time to read this update letter about our lives as we serve with the WMF community in Lima, Peru. We are anticipating our US visit 2010 to be a rather full schedule for our…
Langley family June 2010 update letter
June 2010 Dear family and friends, Greeting from Lima! We hope that all of you are well and experiencing God’s care for you. Thank you for loving us, and for taking the time to catch up on what’s going on in our family and in the WMF community in Lima by reading this…
Langley family May 2010 update letter
May 2010 Dear family and friends, Greeting from Lima! We are entering into fall in the city, with some cooler temperatures and the return of the coastal fog. We were finally able to take a short trip to the beach with some friends which we all enjoyed very much. Tali spent her time at…
Langley family March 2010 update letter
March 2010 Dear family and friends, We started out this new year with some very relaxing times with friends and as a family, along with the pressure of leading the community through our yearly strategic planning meetings, and subsequent staff retreat. God has been good and faithful to us in every circumstance, and so…
Langley family January 2010 update letter
January 2010 Dear family and friends, Currently we are in the middle of our Christmas celebrations, both in the ministry and with our family. We have for a couple of years begun to celebrate the season of Advent with Isa and Tali. These have been enriching times for us; on Sunday mornings both of…
Langley family October 2009 update letter
October 2009 Dear family and friends, We are back in Lima after a wonderful time in the US visiting family, friends, and supporters. Some of you may not have heard about some of the recent events in our community in Peru. One of our best friends and coworkers in Lima, Sarah Dobrin, underwent…
Langley family July 2009 update letter
July 2009 Greetings in Jesus’ name! We are thankful for all of you and the different ways that you support us and love us across the miles. By the time many of you read this letter, we may have already seen you or talked on the phone. In a few short days we will…