Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


The Cry for Submission: Letter from the Editor by Emily Fales

Submission is a word that provokes significant discomfort for me. When I first saw that this was one of our lifestyle celebrations, ...

2020 – Here We Go!!

January 2, 2020

“Here We Go!!” will be the theme that Word Made Flesh will use throughout this coming year. It will also be the theme of our upcoming gala in November 2020. We are excited for what God has in store for WMF this year! Here – “Locality” – refers to the “local” nature of the work we are…

The Rescued Offering Rescue

December 30, 2019

We don’t love the word “rescue” in the context of prostitution and trafficking work, because the implication is that WE missionaries and social workers are doing the heroic and dangerous work of swooping in and carrying women away from this life, Indiana Jones-style.  That’s not what we do.  But Jesus DOES rescue, and it’s in…

Pax Christi – Peace of Christ in the midst of empires

December 27, 2019

by Clint Baldwin, Executive Director We had included this reflection in a monthly newsletter to our staff but wanted to make it available to friends of Word Made Flesh as well. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the…

Learn More: Resources from The Cry , Vol. 24 No. 4

December 20, 2019

As we reflect on this lifestyle celebration and celebrate Advent, we invite you to explore some of our top picks from media and resources that deal with the topic of obedience. READ KHRISTI LAUREN ADAMS introduces readers to the resilience, struggle, and hope found within the often overlooked and ignored stories of girls of color.…

From the Executive Director — Winter 2019-20 (As Featured in The Cry)

December 13, 2019

Have you noticed? Scripture is replete with positive examples of characters from outside normed paths and accepted methods who arrive on the scene and bring refreshing insights and new freedoms.  These characters help us increase in wisdom. These inbreakings into our routines aid us in becoming better people if we hearken to them and follow…

One Woman’s Transcendent Life

December 11, 2019

By Anna Monteviller Translation by Brian Langley Each one of us grows in uniquely personal ways. In stages, with ups and downs, we grow and develop. The work of Word Made Flesh Peru recognizes this fundamental fact of human existence, so we respect each person on their terms, for who they are. The one who…

From the Editor — Winter 2019-20 (As Featured in The Cry)

December 2, 2019

“…who emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every…

WMF Sierra Leone – Experiencing God’s Power and Grace

November 22, 2019

The story below is from our WMF Sierra Leone community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! We have known a lady named “Alice” for the past couple of years. Alice’s father passed away when…

WMF Romania – A Place to Grow

November 22, 2019

The story below is from our WMF Romania community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! Alex* is now 10 years old and is in the fourth grade. He has been coming to the center…

WMF Rwanda – Empowering the Women Around Us

November 22, 2019

The story below is from our WMF Rwanda community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! Esther* is one of the women working in our jewelry shop, and has been part of one of our…