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WMF Bolivia collaborates with locally run organizations serving those vulnerable to poverty and exploitation.

Ariel Alexander, the Latin America Regional Coordinator for Word Made Flesh, facilitates opportunities for interns and volunteers to serve with local partners who respond to both educational vulnerabilities and sexual exploitation through economic opportunities. If you are interested in applying for internships in Bolivia or Latin America, you can Apply Here.


Bolivia Blog

We’re Thankful

By WMF Bolivia | November 21, 2019

Our cities remain tense and unstable, and although we fluctuate between anxiety and fatigue, we also press on with hope and prayers for a better future. Our resolve to continue serving the most vulnerable has not changed. And so today, we wanted to share some things our community has expressed gratitude for in these days:…


By WMF Bolivia | November 21, 2019

Pese a la situación que se vive en Bolivia, las sonrisas y las ganas de seguir trabajando junto a los más vulnerables nunca se acaban. Es así que hoy queremos agradecer a nuestro Dios por todo lo que Él nos ha dado. Muchas personas piensan que uno puede estar agradecido sólo cuando las cosas nos…

Remembering Vivi

By WMF Bolivia | November 1, 2019

Today on All Saints’ Day we remember the deceased. Vivi* left us and her two young sons earlier this year. Born in the south of Bolivia, Vivi’s mother died before she even knew her. With an inattentive father and struggling in rural poverty, Vivi left Tarija for La Paz at 17 with hopes for a…