Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Intern Reflections: Bolivia | Beyond what we can ask or Imagine
by Michaela McCurdy, WMF Intl. Intern This update is from one of our WMF interns in Bolivia. Michaela is a senior at Anderson University and is completing her degree in International Relations and Spanish. She will be working in the community center while in Bolivia. We are excited for her as she joins our WMF…
While most five-year-old boys are playing fearlessly among a multitude of friends, Franz* with a limited vocabulary was timidly saving his own life and that of his family. At 42, Maria* had been working in prostitution for more than 20 years. She had three young sons. The youngest was five-year-old Franz*. Since their father had…
Intern Reflections: Bolivia | Arriving in La Paz
by Michaela McCurdy, WMF Intl. Intern This update is from one of our WMF interns in Bolivia. Michaela is a senior at Anderson University and is completing her degree in International Relations and Spanish. She will be working in the community center while in Bolivia. We are excited for her as she joins our WMF…
Freedom and Responsibility
by Clint Baldwin, Executive Director We had included this reflection in a monthly newsletter to our staff but wanted to make it available to friends of Word Made Flesh as well. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the…
Embracing our Brokenness (As Featured in The Cry)
In his book, From Brokenness to Community, Jean Vanier shares about his experience of being in community with disabled adults and describes his community L’Arche as a place of healing and transformation. Being in community with those who are broken, according to Vanier, reveals to us our own brokenness, yet brings us hope because in…
Communitarian Religion
by Clint Baldwin, Executive Director We had included this reflection in a monthly newsletter to our staff but wanted to make it available to friends of Word Made Flesh as well. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the…
WMF Romania Celebrates 18 Years!
This month, Word Made Flesh Romania celebrates 18 years since its inception. 18 years of work, of experiences, hopes, stories, life, and struggle and we continue to support children from vulnerable families. Our mission is to work for a better future for vulnerable children through personal development and partnering friends. Setting up the foundation was,…
The Cross and Self-Denial
by Clint Baldwin, Executive Director We had included this reflection in a monthly newsletter to our staff but wanted to make it available to friends of Word Made Flesh as well. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need…
Breaking Down Walls (As Featured in The Cry)
My Lenten theme this year is Breaking Down Walls. I was not just thinking of the controversy about the wall on the U.S/Mexican border when I chose this topic. All of us have walls in our lives, products of our own brokenness and often too, of our responses to the brokenness of others. These walls…
The Celebration of Brokenness (as featured in The Cry)
I stepped off the plane in India after the longest flight of my life, not knowing that the “uncomfortable” flight was the tip of the iceberg of taking me out of my comfort zone. The heat. The sweat. All the people. The poverty. It was easy to see the brokenness and vulnerability. What caught me…