Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


The Cry for Submission: Letter from the Editor by Emily Fales

Submission is a word that provokes significant discomfort for me. When I first saw that this was one of our lifestyle celebrations, ...

A Life Story Over a Cup of Tea

November 14, 2022

Lavinia accepted our invitation to spend an hour with us with enthusiasm, sharing her story over a cup of tea. It meant that she had to make an extra effort to wake up and go to work earlier so she could meet with us. On a normal day, she cleans the halls of apartment buildings,…

Radical Hospitality is Courageous!

November 6, 2022

ā€œAnd he said, MyĀ  Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, I pray thee, do not depart from thy servant. Come,Ā  fetch yourself some water, and wash your feet, and lie down under the tree; and I will bring aĀ  morsel of bread; Build up your strength, and then you will pass…

Transition of Word Made Flesh leadership

November 5, 2022

As the Board of Word Made Flesh, we want to inform you of theĀ transitionĀ of Clint Baldwin as the International Executive Director, as of the summer, 2022.Ā Clint leaves Word Made Flesh positioned for continued growth, and we are deeply thankful for his many contributions and leadership during his time here. The Baldwin family has been an…

BIG Announcement! Same passion, new name!

August 4, 2022

For over two decades, we have been honored to be a part of the Word Made Flesh community. Weā€™re grateful for the deep and meaningful foundation they laid for us.Ā  Word Made Flesh taught us the importance of deep identification with those on the margins, living in poverty. We learned to be shaped by our…

Album Cover

New Album from Word Made Flesh Artist Ambassador Kellie Haddock

June 15, 2022

At Word Made Flesh we’re blessed to be supported by some incredibly talented people. One of those amazing individuals is Kellie Haddock. Kellies new album, Orchids From Fire, is inspired by the wild orchid that only grows after a fire. All twelve songs are bursting with hope! This powerful collection of songs will invigorate your…

God Makes Room

May 2, 2022

The below is part of a reflection I offered for our April Around The Table staff newsletter. May you be encouraged in knowing that from the very beginning God has been and continues to remain at work making room and caring for those some have referred to as being “outside the camp.” For some of…

Greetings all! Blessed Eastertide!

April 26, 2022

The below is part of a reflection I offered for our March Around the Table staff newsletter. I hope that contemplating aspects of Psalm 91 will be a blessing to you today. I have been very encouraged to hear good reports back about the time that our Word Made Flesh International short-term team of university…

My Special Place

April 21, 2022

I didnĀ“t know that a place as special as the ā€œHouse of Hopeā€ existed. IĀ“m not exaggerating when I say that this place is magnificent. This place not only managed to change the way I think but also my way of acting. I really donĀ“t know how to express myself well, I canĀ“t get the…

Fulfillment of Organizational Best Practice, Next Step Commitments

April 19, 2022

With this communication we are grateful to report that Word Made Flesh International has fully completed best practice next steps committed to in July 2020. A major aspect of our commitment was to ā€œretain an independent third-party expert to perform an organizational audit on our existing policies, procedures, and systems for preventing harm, keeping employees…

Celebrating with you this Christmas Season

December 20, 2021

        Dear Friends of Word Made Flesh International, This holiday season, we are deeply grateful to be part of the family of God together with you and to celebrate your friendship with Word Made Flesh International. Merry Christmas!Ā Ā  Thank you so much for your partnership in sharing the Gospel! In Jesus, God…