Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
WMF Rwanda – Empowering the Women Around Us
The story below is from our WMF Rwanda community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! Esther* is one of the women working in our jewelry shop, and has been part of one of our…
WMF Moldova – The Journey of Transformation
The story below is from our WMF Moldova community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! Jay rolled up his pant legs and jumped up and down a few times. “Girls against boys today! Three…
WMF Brazil – Love Changes Lives
The story below is from our WMF Brazil community. Thank you for partnering with WMF and being a part of God’s work to bring healing, hope, and peace to our neighbors in need around the world! She always had a difficult life. Instability, relationships that didn’t work out, and two sons who lived with their…
We’re Thankful
Our cities remain tense and unstable, and although we fluctuate between anxiety and fatigue, we also press on with hope and prayers for a better future. Our resolve to continue serving the most vulnerable has not changed. And so today, we wanted to share some things our community has expressed gratitude for in these days:…
Pese a la situación que se vive en Bolivia, las sonrisas y las ganas de seguir trabajando junto a los más vulnerables nunca se acaban. Es así que hoy queremos agradecer a nuestro Dios por todo lo que Él nos ha dado. Muchas personas piensan que uno puede estar agradecido sólo cuando las cosas nos…
Learn More: On Intimacy, Vol. 24 No. 3 (As featured in The Cry)
As we reflect on this lifestyle celebration, we invite you to explore some of our staff top picks from media and resources that deal with intimacy. READ Charlie Mackesy offers inspiration and hope through the unlikely friendship of the 4 title characters — The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse. Written in the…
Joyful Journey of Intimacy (As Featured in The Cry)
“I have never been so joyful, or so exhausted in all my life!” This has been my heartfelt response to “How are you?” in recent months. The joy is intoxicating as my husband Alan and I find ourselves delighting in our recently adopted son, Joey. His bright eyes and cute giggles always bring a smile…
Remembering Vivi
Today on All Saints’ Day we remember the deceased. Vivi* left us and her two young sons earlier this year. Born in the south of Bolivia, Vivi’s mother died before she even knew her. With an inattentive father and struggling in rural poverty, Vivi left Tarija for La Paz at 17 with hopes for a…
The Celebration of Intimacy (As Featured in The Cry)
A professor in grad school once shared a quote by Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” His words calmed my anxious self who was months away from sitting with clients as a mental health therapist, afraid that…
Overcoming Challenges
When SutiSana hires a new artisan, we begin by explaining the challenges of learning new skills and techniques, which will likely be uncomfortable for a bit. Since so many of our artisans have never worked in professional settings or with industrial tools, they are stretched far outside their comfort zone for the first few weeks…